neon death penelty anounced


Fish Crazy
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Auburn, ca
hey guys,

I have a neon out of a group of five that has lived much longer than I had thoughtit would, its much smaller then the others, its tail fin is alot narrower and "clamped" its body is naturaly bloated (its been like this since i've had him). its a slow swimmer but no boyancy problems, it eats and has been in there for a few months but does not shoal with the group, I presume the group doesnt particularly care for its presense. my concern is that because neons are so contagious to disease, and because of social factors that the deformed neon is being denied, that the deformed neon will eventually become diseased and wipe ot the rest of them. So I have decided to remove him before something does.

He would never survive in the wild, when i was netting him he did two laps around the tank and became too tired to run any more. he is currently fishfood in my DP tank.

heres a pic of his ailiment

He does look bloated, what do you feed the fish, what size tank, how many fish and which type, plus water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph, what does it look like when he fish goes to the toilet.
from my sig
20 gallon community
2 Colisa Chuna (sota) 1M/F (Honey Dwarf Gourami)
2 Corydoras Paleatus 1M/F (Peppered Cory)
1 Corydora Reticulatus (Network Cory)
3 Otocinclus Affinis (oto)
5 Paracheirodon Innesi (Neon Tetra)
Lots of snails

on a side note i have al lot of anacharis plants in the tank
and now have sand substrate

my stats 0, 0, 25 though this may have changed this morning as I had a duel filter failure when i woke up but the stats have been reading good for about 2 months now and are un related

I feed them tropical flakes, frozen bloodworms, frozen brineshrimp and froen daphnia. (i try to give them a menu of choices....)

he has simply been a deformed fishy from the get go, he was an "extra" who manged to slip in the bag without any notice, at first i thought he was just a fry and didnt give him much of a chance, well now as he hasnt changed in form just size, he's definatly deformed

If i could get a frontal pic, you would definately see a problem as his gills seem stretched open,

forgot to mention, i dont think i have actually ever seen any of my neons go poo, either its soo small that i dont notice or i'm just not observant enough

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