Neon and Glolite Tetras


Fish Crazy
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Laramie, Wy
I've always beena fan of neon tets - who hasn't. And I've recently discovered Glo-lite tetras, which I immediately fell in love with because they're orange... and orange rules.

Anyway, my question is, I have a 29G that's currently cycling, and once it's done I want to get a couple of both neons and glolites. But I don't want to end up with 8 neon tets and 8 glolites, because that would take a significant chunk out of my stocking choices for other fish. At my lfs they have glolites and neons in the same tank on display...

I'm wondering if I could just get maybe 4 of each, as they pretty much seem to hang out with each other anyway?
4 of each would be fine :nod:

mine school together aswell

Dwarf_Dude said:
4 of each would be fine :nod:

mine school together aswell

kickass, thanks - I was worried I'd be told 'no! you need at least 200 neons in a 125 gallon tank in order for them to be happy!' as this forum is so famous for doing :lol:
The-Raven said:
kickass, thanks - I was worried I'd be told 'no! you need at least 200 neons in a 125 gallon tank in order for them to be happy!' as this forum is so famous for doing :lol:
:dunno: I'm sure they would be happy....but that's still a far cry from their natural tendencies to form schools that reportedly are in the millions of fish.
NEVER! you need at least 20 to make them happy. if you dont follow these instructions, your fish will die.

haha just kidding, they will be fine if you buy 4 of each
Dorkhedeos said:
NEVER! you need at least 20 to make them happy. if you dont follow these instructions, your fish will die.

haha just kidding, they will be fine if you buy 4 of each
I'll admit, I had a good laugh until I scrolled down and saw that you were kidding :lol:
My kids were checking out the fish at walmart today and they had a tank of neons and glo lites. They were all schooling together. :thumbs:

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