Needing Info On Plecs?


Feb 14, 2007
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i've been wanting to get a plec for a while now and wasnt sure if there are any plecs that dont grow to big for my tank i've got a 35G its a 3ft tank and i was wondering if anyone can recommend any that is ok to keep in that size tank?

I guess you have seen the 30 pinned above that grow to 8inches.
I would be very tempted to say never buy a plec as the thought of parting with mine is sad.
They have character to them and I think that is why they are so loving.
Perhaps I am the only daft ...... to get attached to a fish.
What else does anyone do with pets but own them and if you cannot get attached to what is yours then !!
Your not as sad as me.
Try and choose one that you can look after I was told a Borneo sucker but that was bad as they need very different type of water conditions from a tank. So Hopefully you will get an informed reply otherwise research books.
Like Tetraqueen suggested, check out the pinned topics.
A Bristlenose is always a great addition to a tank and they only grow to about 6".
I shall just add be aware of the Plecs massive waste making abilities and extra filtration is always a decent idea when a plec's in a tank :D
As previously mentioned, a BristleNose plec would be a great addition to an aquarium your size. They only grow to 6" long, so easily enough space for it. Also they're quite widely available, seen lots over the last 6 months in various fish stores, nearly all very small - an inch or so. I got mine at this size, and the rate she's growing at is definately noticeable. I also think she's a great addition to the tank, full of personality, and very active during the day for a plec.

edit: should also say that yes, they are very messy. With my BN and an army of shrimps in the tank, there's always a lot to remove from the substrate surface during water changes, they always seem to be 'pooping'!
i suggets looking at the peckolita family. they have several species that grow to only four to six inches. here a website you should check out for plecos. check out the common names and then go to letter L for all th eL numbers.
I'd recommend a Candy Striped Pleco (L15), I've just got one of these yesterday for my 26 Gallon Tank and he's lovely!! :D That's him in my avatar on the left.

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