Needing Imput

hi then i said

New Member
Mar 12, 2007
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i am looking into starting a nano reef. i am looking at either a 15 gallon long 24" 12" 13" or a 20 long 30" 12" 13". I was just woundering wouldnt all of the supplies for the 15 gallon work in the 20 long except for the lights? I was also wondering if you could tell me some pros and cons of each size tank. thanks for the help
One quick note, with nanos the bigger the better. The larger amount of water the more stable it is. Soooo, if you need to choose, I'd go with the 20gallon (plus who doesn't like having more room?)
if you have the space, go for a 20 for sure. It's easier and cheaper (in the long run) with just about every gallon.
i am 15 and on a buget so that would be the only reason i would get the smaller tank
how is it cheaper in the long run?

Any imput on these supplies
20 gallon long tank $30
Aqua clear 50 power filter $20
2 power heads- $20
Live rock 20 pounds - free
sand- free
thermometer -$6
50 gallon salt mix- $10
test kits - $15
no skimmer just weekly water changes
hydrometer - $10
30 inch dual satilite 2x65 watt power compact light - $130
It's easier to make mistakes in a smaller tank, mistakes cost long as you take your time you should be fine.
Ok im going to get the 20 long after spring break.
would a 30 inch 130 watt power compact be enough light for any inverts, corals or clams it. the light would be aroung 6.5 watts per gallon but the dept is only 12
thanx for the help
well would it be good for clams over a 15 gallon like 8.6 watts per gallon only 20 watts less than a metal halide
its not really relivent about the WPG its about the intensity. The pc has a lower PAR i think than a MH
ok i get it
If you had the choose would you get a 15 gallon 24" 12" 13" a 20 gallon long 30" 12" 13" or a nano cube that is 20" 20" 12".
Pros and cons of each

15 gallon

the easist to find a light for


20 gallon long
More space then the 15
more surface area

lights are harder to find

nano cube
long and wide (easy to aquascape)
Nice clean look

hard to find a good 20" light other than metal halide that has alot of power
No space for equpment.

I would like to keep 2 false percula clowns and either a firefish or a royal gramma. with the tank size you choose would the red firefish or royal gramma do better with the 2 clowns
Also would there be a good chance of a black and white clownfish and a orange and white clownfish of the same species to pair up

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