I’m thinking about starting my first “real†planted aquarium. I dabbled with some naïve plants that I collected from the lake I live on. However, I did not have the proper lighting to keep them alive or the money to buy the lights. Now I’m in a position to do this the right way, with regular tropical aquarium plant. I was to have Amazon swards for the middle and background. Maybe some java fern and java moss. I need a low some ideas for low growing plants for the front, and more ideas about plants for the middle, and back. I have many tanks available to start this project with. They range anywhere from a 2.5gal to 29gallons. I’m leaning toward the 29gal. I have green colored gravel in there now. I have a diy-power head sponge filter and tons of aeration from my bubble walls the line the back glass panel. I have a standard lighting unit on there now. I would prefer low to medium fast growing plants. So I guess that will determine what type of lighting I will end up getting. I plan to make a CO2 admitter. I might buy one, depending on what you guys suggest. I would also like to make a nitrate removal system. I haven’t thought about the fish that much yet. Maybe six zebra danios, maybe some gauramis, a cory cat or two.
Any ideas, suggestions, thoughts would be appreciated
Here's the 29 I'm thinking about using
Any ideas, suggestions, thoughts would be appreciated
Here's the 29 I'm thinking about using