Need To Pick Ur Brains! (diy)


Fish Crazy
Feb 5, 2007
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Well my new t5 lighting unit came! its huge! and it does not fit on my tank. Only reason because of my protien skimmer cup, otherwise it would be perfect. So im guessing im going to have to hang it some how. Not sure how im going to do this, it doesnt have hanger attachments.
Any Pics?

Can you show the tank, skimmer etc too?


i just bought the skimmer today its a Tunze nano 9002. As you can see, my light wont fit on top with the skimmer there.
If i hang it (which i dont know how) it will be sitting around 130mm from the tank surface, will it still get the light it needs
i can however use it like this

it still putting a heap of light in, the only diff if you drop it down is the light at the front is more intense!
arghhhhhhhhh why cant ne thing go as planned
How far away from the wall is the front face of the tank? The simplest but not necessarily cleanest solution here is to use shelving brackets you can buy at your local hardware store, install them in the wall with wall anchors (also the hardware store), and let the brackets support the weight of the fixture.

If you have to hang it, you can go to the hardware store and ask for ceiling hangers, hang some cable from the ceiling and grab onto the feet of the fixture, supporting it that way...
If you want to hang you need to work out where your joists are otherwise you could end up with tears. Then I would use a plumb bob to work out where the center line of your tank is and put to hooks into ceiling and suspend with wire / small chain etc...
Least botherl might be to change skimmer or get an in sump one (assuming you have a sump)

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