Need To Livin Up My Tank


New Member
Apr 15, 2007
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i have a 20 gallon tank. ive had it for years. the fish were taken care of, but never restocked in like 2 years. i also sold a few fish.

right now i have 2 bleeding hearts tetras (love these guys) i did have 5, but the others died and its impossible to find them around here anymore. i alsohave 2 rosey barbs, same problem as the bleeding hearts, i orginally had 4. and i have one white skirt tetra, was blue (found out it was dyed), i did have 2 others (were pink, died).

so what ever i get, they MUST get along with the above fish. they all get along great together. but i want some active and colorful fish :)

oh and what do you think I should get as som "cleaners"?
With your fish, you can get anything that is considered community fish. But since your upgrading to a 55G, not all community fish will work as some grow too big. But anything like tetras, danios, some more rosey barbs, possibly even a ram or two would be a very colorful addition to the tank. There are quite a few options
Does it have to be a fish?

There are all sorts of inverts out there
that are harmless but very active and colourfull :good:

Cherry Shrimps are a fav of mine :lol:
Does it have to be a fish?

There are all sorts of inverts out there
that are harmless but very active and colourfull :good:

Cherry Shrimps are a fav of mine :lol:

well sadly the only place around here now to purchase fish is WalMart :angry: and they dont have anything else really. and i dont got a topper on my tank, i was going to get these dragon things last year (i forget the name of them) but they would of jumped out lol
Does it have to be a fish?

There are all sorts of inverts out there
that are harmless but very active and colourfull :good:

Cherry Shrimps are a fav of mine :lol:

Very true, there are many freshwater shrimps out there that will 'clean' little crevices of your tank but don't assume that they will keep your tank completely clean because even if you 20 of them, they wouldnt. Be careful with crabs of any type and crays as they can cause damage to your fishes fins and possibly even catch them and eat them.
Apistogramma's come in many different species, they dont grow very big and can be quite colourful.
I've fallen in love with cory cats the past year or so and I would reccomend getting at least 4 of the little guys. I believe the walmart here carries them, although I dont purchase from this one I can say they normally look pretty good. The cories are fun to watch, when happy they will school along the glass swimming into each other. They sift through my sand as well getting lost food, they dont eat algae but are really fun to watch. They stay small as well!
oh and what do you think I should get as som "cleaners"?

Some coarse sponges/razor blades.. Cleaning is your job.

ok well would tiger barbs get along with the fish i already have?

It would probably be better to top up the groups you've already got, and maybe something extra, like a group of cories or a pair of dwarf cichlids or similar. Tiger barbs are very active, possibly too active for a 20g.
yeah i wouldn't go with tiger barbs.

i would try to order fish from the internet to get your current groups up to reasonable numbers, then i'd add some bottom feeders like a group of cories or a bristlenose plec :good:

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