Hey everyone!
As some of you may know my bristlenoses have just laid eggs, which all hatched out well with the fry currently being guarded under the driftwood by dad. They are in my 75L tank which has sand on the bottom as substrate, an abundance of driftwood and is freshly planted with tall plants and a small amount of java fern(can't believe how expensive it is in NZ!). They are currently the only bottom feeders -mum and dad plus about 20-30 fry. Then I have a silver shark(population control), 1 fancy guppy with his 3 girls, 1 swordtail with his 4 girls and 4 young female mollies who I bred but are not yet ready for a male. The bottom looks lifeless so researched and ordered 2 pygmy cories from a suppler 2 weeks ago. The only problem now is that the bristlenoses completely threw me off track-after 2 years of abstinence decided it was now or never! Will the two pygmy cories be ok in the tank with my bristlenoses and their fry? I'm a bit concerned about dad being defensive, and cories having a rep for being nosy and eating the new babes/being eaten by dad?.
I have another 40L tank which currently is my nursery tank- has 2 4cm bristlenoses, a fancy guppy and his 3 girls, 2 young male mollies and about 30 baby swordtails under 1.5cm in length. Would the pygmys be better off in this tank until my bristlenoses are grown and I have re-homed the babys? I had intended to breed the pygmy cories- ordering another 4-8 once i had determined the quality of the two arriving tomorrow. The only issue is the little tank has large gravel instead of sand I have tried to find my spare sand but it is evading me, and it will take 1-3 weeks to order some new stuff for this tank. It is heavily planted with java fern and also has driftwood. The baby swordtails have homes- will be given to a friend who also has tropical fish and has a larger nursery tank currently not being used.
Help?? Am in a slight twist about where to put them, I want to do what is best for them, my research says they dont need alot of space?
Thanks for any advice anyone can give me!
As some of you may know my bristlenoses have just laid eggs, which all hatched out well with the fry currently being guarded under the driftwood by dad. They are in my 75L tank which has sand on the bottom as substrate, an abundance of driftwood and is freshly planted with tall plants and a small amount of java fern(can't believe how expensive it is in NZ!). They are currently the only bottom feeders -mum and dad plus about 20-30 fry. Then I have a silver shark(population control), 1 fancy guppy with his 3 girls, 1 swordtail with his 4 girls and 4 young female mollies who I bred but are not yet ready for a male. The bottom looks lifeless so researched and ordered 2 pygmy cories from a suppler 2 weeks ago. The only problem now is that the bristlenoses completely threw me off track-after 2 years of abstinence decided it was now or never! Will the two pygmy cories be ok in the tank with my bristlenoses and their fry? I'm a bit concerned about dad being defensive, and cories having a rep for being nosy and eating the new babes/being eaten by dad?.
I have another 40L tank which currently is my nursery tank- has 2 4cm bristlenoses, a fancy guppy and his 3 girls, 2 young male mollies and about 30 baby swordtails under 1.5cm in length. Would the pygmys be better off in this tank until my bristlenoses are grown and I have re-homed the babys? I had intended to breed the pygmy cories- ordering another 4-8 once i had determined the quality of the two arriving tomorrow. The only issue is the little tank has large gravel instead of sand I have tried to find my spare sand but it is evading me, and it will take 1-3 weeks to order some new stuff for this tank. It is heavily planted with java fern and also has driftwood. The baby swordtails have homes- will be given to a friend who also has tropical fish and has a larger nursery tank currently not being used.
Help?? Am in a slight twist about where to put them, I want to do what is best for them, my research says they dont need alot of space?
Thanks for any advice anyone can give me!