Need Synos--they're Here!


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I had gotten a covey of 8 dwarf petrocolas for the Moba tank. But they are so small even as adults that I am reticent to see them become sushi for the fronties. So I would like recommendations on medium/small 4"-6" Synos. I was looking at the upside down cat (Synodontis nigriventris) that eat algae also. (Not that there is any algae in the new tank.) They are rather inexpensive and stay small.

So any suggestions?
I had gotten a covey of 8 dwarf petrocolas for the Moba tank. But they are so small even as adults that I am reticent to see them become sushi for the fronties. So I would like recommendations on medium/small 4"-6" Synos. I was looking at the upside down cat (Synodontis nigriventris) that eat algae also. (Not that there is any algae in the new tank.) They are rather inexpensive and stay small.

So any suggestions?

Multi p's
You are the second to recommend them. The Apples will take care of the algae. :) What is best about them beside their size?
Well I have a mix of wild S.Multi and S.Petrocolas coming tomorrow, along with 4 6" clown loaches. My two 3-4" clowns will join them eventually in the Moba tank.

So thanks for the recommendations. :D
Well I have a mix of wild S.Multi and S.Petrocolas coming tomorrow, along with 4 6" clown loaches. My two 3-4" clowns will join them eventually in the Moba tank.

So thanks for the recommendations. :D

Hope you get them from a reputable source - thare are far too many over priced hybrids floating around the UK at the mo :unsure: Unsure what the USA market is like for you ?????
The Hisers of the Louisvillefishery are in Kentucky and are a major importer of Africans. The have an excellent score on AquaBid. I have not purchased from them before, but any long term seller on AB needs to keep a clean record. If they are hybrids, they got it on in Lake Tanganika.
The Hisers of the Louisvillefishery are in Kentucky and are a major importer of Africans. The have an excellent score on AquaBid. I have not purchased from them before, but any long term seller on AB needs to keep a clean record. If they are hybrids, they got it on in Lake Tanganika.


then you are much better off than us over here, there is a lot of rubbish coming into the UK from eastern Europe... :crazy: :crazy:
I see. I got some tiny baby dwarf petrocolas last winter. I posted a pic and several thought they were fron Eastern Europe. But the seller has over a thousand feedbacks on AB with only 1 negative report. He assured me that a friend of his bred them and volunteered to compensate me if they grew up as hybrids.

Sellers on AquaBid must maintain a good score to stay in buisness on Aquabid. The fishery of Louisville has only a little less than 500 feedback, but all are positive and many are from dealers. The business is an old one that the hisers bought.

It is important to have good sources who know their sources. My main interest is to get healthy fish that are at least close to their description. At this point I am not breeding for resale. Probably never will. Although my bronze cories may force me to rethink. :lol:
My Synos arrived Wed about 1:30 pm: 2 petrocolas and 6 multies. They are lovely. I put the 2 petrocolas in the 40 usg with the two small Bismark fronts and the 2 unidentified synos. I put the multies in the 125 usg with the 6 Moba Zaire fronts, 3 compressiceps and 4 clowns. The clowns may have been a mistake. It was an impulsive buy. :blush:

I will post pics when I get everyone settled have time and get the camera out of the car. I want to post pics of the dwarf petrocolas too. They look just like their larger cousins.
Fighting to keep the nitrites under control. So far so good. I am going to do a water change soon. I expect I will have to do one daily for awhile. I will get some more BioSpira tomorrow.

I've lost a few in the community tank lately after adding some queens, although the water tests perfect.

Some FedEx idiot in Oakland, CA, sent a shipment of baby cories to Alaska. :hyper:
I'm sorry, I wasn't clear. When I first started fishkeeping, I got two clowns. They got ich. One made it and one didn't. I got two more. The tank got culumnaris. Two clowns made it one didn't. So I have two of my original clowns about 4 inches w/o the tail. They will join the four 6" ones I just got when I am sure that the tank is stable.

All the Synos traveled well and are busy in their tanks. The clowns that were just delivered are ok, although a couple look a little stressed. I am using Aquarisol as a preventative against ich. Just adding some every few days without removing the filter in case the fish brought something with them. I really must check with Synirr again on the ich cycle.

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