Need Summat Weird....

summat fishy

Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Preston, Lancashire United Kingdom
hello every1 i know i asked a similar question a while ago but im eventually riding of my current fish tomorrow so i have a 20 gallon tank with a bog wood and java moss setup and was wondering what to do now... i was ( and still am) concidering to get a blue cray but i also want something else which is out of the odanary... i dont really want butterfly fish as i have already kept them in the past and ive had a banjo catfish and now im after something differnt. would a green snake head be ok in a 20 gallon? also could i keep this with a blue cray? any suggestions would be much appreciated oh and my filteration is an internal fluval unit. thanks in advance summat fishy :)
hello every1 i know i asked a similar question a while ago but im eventually riding of my current fish tomorrow so i have a 20 gallon tank with a bog wood and java moss setup and was wondering what to do now... i was ( and still am) concidering to get a blue cray but i also want something else which is out of the odanary... i dont really want butterfly fish as i have already kept them in the past and ive had a banjo catfish and now im after something differnt. would a green snake head be ok in a 20 gallon? also could i keep this with a blue cray? any suggestions would be much appreciated oh and my filteration is an internal fluval unit. thanks in advance summat fishy :)

Blue Cray + Any fish = Expensive Fish food

You could buy say 15 baby rainbows or green snakeheads, and let them work things out for themselves until you have a breeding pair, they would live happily in a 20gallon.

what about some puffers? there are a few that could live in a setup like yours.
hmm i feard the cray was a bad idea! 15 snake heads! :S do you mean 5? also what species of rainbow grow small? and what would be the best species of puffers for me and what would they cost? thansk in advance summat fishy :D
hmm i feard the cray was a bad idea! 15 snake heads! :S do you mean 5? also what species of rainbow grow small? and what would be the best species of puffers for me and what would they cost? thansk in advance summat fishy :D

no I meant 15, they will eat each the less dominant ones, and you'll have a better chance of getting a breeding [air, once you have a breeding pair you will have to rehome the other fish. Rainbow snakehead is a single species, well its argued the blue form is a subspecies but meh! they both grow to about 5-7"

As for puffer I have no experience with them, except I bought some Dwarf puffers a few days ago
If you check the thread "Puffers in aquaria" pinned at the top of the forum you'll find lots of info on puffers that you could keep for a tank that size.
no I meant 15, they will eat each the less dominant ones, and you'll have a better chance of getting a breeding [air,

Not strictly true. Snakeheads will just kill for the sake of killing, and leave the body to rot, infact, it's not often snakeheads will eat anything large, so the likelyhood is that they will just kill one another.

As for trying to pair off, ideally, all you want is 1 male, and 4 or 5 females. Put them in a tank together and see what happens. The male should get a mate (if your lucky) but have a second tank ready and keep an eye out for signs of aggression, if any is shown, remove the 'victim'.

I say ideally, because the sad truth is most people/shops cannot tell the different species apart, let alone the different sexes.
Actually Channa gachua will often happily live in groups of 6 or more fish with no aggression provided sufficient planting and decor is provided to allow for each fish to have a territory, although once a pair establish themselves all hell breaks loose and the pair will kill all other fish in the tank. Single green snakeheads and most other dwarf species make good community fish for tanks with fish too large for the snakehead to swallow, it is mostly the larger species which are known for their extreme aggression and need to be kept separately.

The only way you could buy sexed snakeheads would be to find somewhere selling adult fish in numbers, but since they are usually sold as juveniles of 2-3 inches long sexing is impossible at that size.
Snakeheads will just kill for the sake of killing
I have to disagree with that statement, most Snakeheads wont kill for the sake of it, but the bigger ones can do; micropeltes being the main example.

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