Need Suggestions


New Member
May 14, 2010
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Ive had a puffer fish alone in my 16 gallon tank. I put a Betta in there and the puffer ate him. Any suggestions on what to put in there with him?
ok, so after thaT, what else should i put in there. i was thinkin puffer, but idk. Bala? Piranha?
Puffers are actually happy by themselves a lot of times they don't get along with other tank mates sometimes not even other puffers. But if you insist on adding something I would certainly not put a piranha in there the puffer will lose that battle.
If it is not a C. irrubesco or a South American Puffer, tankmates are mighty risky!

Even if it is one of the above, please makes sure you have a "plan b" ready to home for the other fish right from the start ;)
I think before we can make suggestions we should know what sort of puffer you have :p
One things for sure though - seriously research your fish or at least google them for at least 5 mins and you will quickly see that in no shape or form should bettas be mixed with puffers.

Equally balas and piranahas are ridiculous ideas for a 16 gallon tank.


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