Need suggestion for fish before i put neon tetras!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Great Neck, NY.
Well... now i got my tank setup.

I got Aqua Clear power filter, flourescent light, and gravel.

After cleaning, i put gravel, water (after i put the thing that removes chlorine), and power filter. Now, i'm running my tank without any fish.

PH is around 7, and ammonium is almost 0.

Anyway, my tanks is ultimately for tetras. (especially neon tetras or cardinal)

However, i heard Neon tetras are weak and going to die soon even if I put it in the tank after running it without fish for a week or so.

So, i'm trying to put some hardy fish that can speed up the cycle and can be kept with neon tetras later.

I need some suggestion. (Oh! I'm going to put black background and black gravel so that neon tetras color would look nicer. So, is there any fish that glows like neon tetras and hardy enough to put into the tank before i put neon tetras?)
Do you know anyone who keeps aquariums in their home? If you have access to some of their gravels or other objects in the tank, that will be by far the fastest way to cycle your tank.

I started my first tank by cycling with platies. It worked, but very tedious - daily water change for 30 days! You could try fishless cycling, but it will still take weeks to complete the cycling process.

Other than neons, which other fishes are you planning to accomodate?
Thx for reply. ;)

Um... I'm trying to put some fish that has glowing color like neon tetras, because i set up my aquarium with black background and black gravel so that neon's color looks nice. :)

By the way, I'm using a product called Biozyme that suppose to speed up the cycle.

I have been putting the dosage for 2 days.

But... i'm considering about starting fishless cycle with ammonia.

So, Can i just stop putting Biozyme, change my Aqua clear sponge with the sponge that was in my gold fish's Aqua Clear filter, and start adding ammonia?
From what I have heard, that stuff doesn't really help.

In any case, you have no fish in the tank, so there's no source of ammonia present in the tank to let bacteria grow.

I'd suggest to go fishless cycling by adding some ammonia then try to look for someone who can provide some bacteria. In the worst case, you will go through the cycling without any seeds from other mature tanks.

I've only had to cycle the first tank - the rest pretty much didn't go through any cycling as they were all heavily seeded from the mature tank. (It is interesting to see that in a 33g, even with 10 cichlids starting day 1, I see no ammonia or nitrates after 2 weeks now. Nitrates are already building up!)
Alright. ;)

I have Aqua Clear power filter that has been used for 10 gal gold fish tank.

So, if i get the sponge from that power filter and put it into my new filter for my new tank, will it speed up the cycle?

How about putting some of the gravel from the gold fish tank? Will that also help?
So, if i get the sponge from that power filter and put it into my new filter for my new tank, will it speed up the cycle?

How about putting some of the gravel from the gold fish tank?

you are on the right track myfrint. :thumbs:

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