I have a heavily planted 30 gallon hex. It's all cycled and ammonia=0, nitrites=0. My first fish are 2 angels, 3 otos and 3 cory cats. Plants are growing like crazy with Carib Sea's Eco Complete substrate and DIY CO2 injection. Now I want to add a species of schooling fish, preferably hardier ones. I like the glow light tetras, but am afraid that the angel fish will, at worst, kill or stress them to death, or, at best, keep them hiding in the heavy plants all the time so I won't see much of them. I've read about Serpae tetras, and they should be able to hold their own against the angels, but might get agressive to other fish, like swordtails I hope to add. I'd appreciate any recommendations on small, colorful schooling fish (want to keep a school of 6 or 7) that will cohabitate with the angels and still entertain me. My water is very hard and pH is fairly high, 7.6 or so with the CO2 injection.