Need Something To Do!


Chuck Norris is the reason why waldo's hiding
Oct 20, 2005
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San Jose,California
I'm BORED out of my MIND! I'm not complaining or anything but I have a month left off until school starts again and I have nothing to do except for my SAT practice :rolleyes: . Can you guys give me some good reading material it can be on the web or books. But websites preferred since I don't think I'm going to be buying many books just need something to kill time.
Advanced Aquarists Magazine, Current Addition
Advanced Aquarists Magazine, Past Editions
Advanced Aquarists Article Page
Anything From Reef Central, especially the Tank Journals in the Large Aquarium Forum ( :drool: ), and topics in areas like Advanced Discussion!

That will keep ya busiy for a while. Something is bound to get your attention at AdvancedAquarists, whether you like in-depth topics, or creature feature tyope articles. :) I also sometimes just browse shops when im bored, just dreaming, reading about species Id enjoy keeping, getting to know requirements for coral etc, or just reading threads that could "enlighten" me some more at RC, here at TFF, anywhere. :good:

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