need some thoughts


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
okay as many of you know I recently set up my 75 gallon with all of my mbuna and now I I have to turn my attentions to my 55 that houses bert my JD..... right now it is just a mismash of plastic furniture that I have been able to grab from my leftovers from decorating my 75 gallon. so now that everything has been said I thought that I would turn over the decoration ideas to the forum..... here are the rules..... one it has to be able to stand up to a 7.5 inch JD, and two we have to keep the price for everything under 100 dollars
okay I guess that I will jump start this... I am currently waiting on a bid that I placed on ebay for a large piece of drift wood. now onto some different suggestions.... I am thinking of adding some sand to the substrate, can anybody tell me if plain old playground sand is safe for aquarium use?
Childrens playsand is fine to use, just make sure you rinse it well to remove the fine particals in it (found out the hard way recently and the tank took 3 days to clear :/ ).
With a fish like a JD i preffer to keep the decor very simple, after all the fish is the main feature of the tank. A large piece of drift/bogwood or a unusual looking rock in the centre with prehaps a few smaller pieces towards the front are all id have.
thanks CFC I will definatly look in to getting some sand then I think that bert will love it and I suppose that in about 5 days I will know about the drift wood.
I agree that I wouldn't add too much to the tank. As far as plants go, none will stand up to a New World cichlid if he wants to "redecorate" his surroundings. I've had a few that don't bother moving/uprooting plants but most will.

A piece of bogwood sounds good as long as it isn't too big. a 55g for a JD is pretty tight confines for swimming but with a piece of bogwood that doesn't interfere with his swimming and he can hide behind would look good.

Do we get to see any pics when you're done? :)
of course I am going to be posting pics..... I am thinking of calling this "Trading Spaces Aquarium" :D :D :D but first I will post a pic of the wood that I am waiting on... this way everyone can see the process and have some further imput.

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