Need some suggestions


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2003
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I am going to be going to NY for about 3 days. While I'm gone, I dont know if I will be able to get someone to come over and feed my fish. I've gone away before, but I've never had a puffer. Do you think my fish will be ok for three days? Or is there some kind of automatic feeder that will feed them the frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp? (I doubt this, but thought I'd ask) Or is there something else I can do. I am just worried about my puffer. I dont think he will eat those weekend feeder things....Plus I dont have faith in those anyways. I am going to TRY to get someone to come take care of them cause I have to do something with my bird too. TIA.
Your fish will be fine without food for 3 days, healthy fish can last weeks without feeding. It is actually good for your fish to be fasted every now and again as it gives them a chance to clear out their intestinal tract and it is better for them to go hungry for a few days than be over fed and made sick from bad water quality.
CFC said:
Your fish will be fine without food for 3 days, healthy fish can last weeks without feeding. It is actually good for your fish to be fasted every now and again as it gives them a chance to clear out their intestinal tract and it is better for them to go hungry for a few days than be over fed and made sick from bad water quality.
Ok... I figured they'd be ok without food. But heres another prob. I have noticed that when I go a day without feeding my fish, THATS when my puffer gets aggressive. When he gets hungry. So do you think my gouramis would be ok? Or am I going to come home to 6 dead fish? I am going to buy a timer for my lighting. Is there anything else I should do too?
You may come back to several fish sans fin or one dead one but probably not the whole tank. you could installa barior and toss in a feeder guppy (Male) for puffer food.

You could buy a tank divider or a piece of platic to seperate them then when you come back start to feed him until he is less aggresive or you could ask a friend to keep him in their tank or ask your LFS to keep him down in the shop.

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