Need Some Sources/articles


Fish Gatherer
Jun 24, 2009
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York, UK
I need some scientific papers/experiments/sources for the following things:

Ammonia and nitrite toxicity in freshwater, marine and brackish fish
Nitrate toxicity in freshwater, marine and brackish fish
Effects of overcrowding on freshwater, marine and brackish fish
The relationship between diseases and stress in freshwater, marine and brackish fish
The effects of a small (too small) environment on freshwater, marine and brackish fish

I keep looking but all I seem to find are fishkeeping websites (which don't have any evidence) and scholoarly websites (which require you to pay for the articles/membership).

If you can think of any other articles that "prove" the fundamentals of fishkeeping, I'd love to see them.

PM me your email address. I will send you some things, not sure if they are relevant but might be an interesting read (ETA: I have access to some of the articles on the scholar websites)

might be something on here
With regards to "Nitrate toxicity in freshwater, marine and brackish fish", trying PMing Tom Barr (plantbrain). He might have something for you.
Thanks for the help so far guys, keep it coming =)
If you search for key words of those topics by andywg, I know he's posted links (or at least the paper name) to a few of those in the past.

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