need some questions about rams answered

Feb 15, 2005
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i heard that cichlids are very intelligent for fish and learn to recognize you,and that they have alot of personality. are ram cichlids this way?also,mine doesnt eat .it wont even eat sinking foods that are right near it.what should i do?are ram ciclids peaceful? ???? :fish: rams seem very bright. They come to the glass when I stop by the tank and will follow my finger. They seem very curious. Not sure why you have feeding problems. Mine love shrimp pellets and other sinking pellets and just recently have begun to come to the surface to grab frozen food and flake. My angels, which are cichlids are very bright as well. Are all your water parameters good? They are supposed to like slightly acidic soft water. SH
How long have you had it? What size tank and what else is with it?
Have you got a pair or just one?
(sorry if u said)

They will always be unhappy on thier own, because they basically form life long bonds, so no wonder the poor lil fellas not eating :-(

I've got a pair and usually they're great, they friendly peck at my fingers and are a cute pair :D . Oh and any cichlid that is foreced with alot of its own kind is always unhappy, so never go ott on getting cichlids! that way evryone is happy.
mines 7.0 straight out the tap, leave it in my back up tank a week then transfer it. just got swords in it, fry make good feed (sorry sounds nasty)
Hi, :)

my pair of german blues will eat anything i give 'em....flakes, freeze dried brine shrimp, bloodworm and even algae pellets that I put in for my cories!!

They eat from top, middle or bottom and from the first day I have had them, if i hold an algae pellet at the surface of the water they will come up and eat from my hand. :cool: So do my gouramis.

Like Seb says need a pair. One on its own will be miserable and this is probably why its not eating. :/

steve B)
i have 2 very small clown loaches,6 silvertip tetras,1 yo yo loach,1 ram,2 zebra danios,2 silver hatchetfish,3 neon dwarf rainbowfish,1 small upside down catfish,and 26 gallon tank(planning on a bigger tank down the road)
Well to be honest they can, but usually they only do it (in my case) if they get provoked or something. Never had too much problem with Rams hurting other fish.

Oh and if your putting them in a 26Gal it might get a little bit crowded and cause stress to the pair.

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