Need some live cultures


New Member
Apr 16, 2005
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:-( :unsure: I was wondering is anyone can send me some live cultures I have looked everywhere and i cant find any. anywhere really need to see if my fish will eat those they wont eat anything i else i give them Imma try the sweet peas later today does anyone know if i can use canned peas or do they have to be frozen? :-(
Well someone said that if you rinse canned peas off really REALLY well with dechlorinated water you can use them. I, however, would not - I would think it would be worth the trip to the grocery store to pick up the bag of frozens.

I had a little girl who didn't eat for 12 days. I tried everything.
To this day the only thing she will eat is frozen blood worms and peas.
Really best to use frozen. But, in an emergency (Betta's constipated severely and you can't get to the store), canned CAN work, if they are washed really well. I wouldn't advise using them outside of the emergency.
My betta loves live black worms, if you pay shipping ill send you some out from my self sustaining stock. You should be able to get them at a lfs though
or ya could raise your own from a small starter culter for litterly pennies a month, alittle dechlorinated water, a small container and some ground up fish food and your cultture will double in size roughly every 3 weeks

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