Need some info


Fish Crazy
Dec 22, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA, USA
I need some info about keeping Bettas in a community tank.
:) It will be in my 12 gallon

Male or Female?

Would it be too aggressive?

Are my fish compatible? (the 12 gallon)

and Im looking for any other advice as well :D Thanks.
you could keep either in the tank i think... the neons are fast enough to get away from the males... the females are usually less aggreesive so u could probably house either
The neons will nip your betta :/ I know a lot of people keep them in communities with no problems but IME&O it's not a good idea.It's best to keep them solo :)
ok I think Im going to get the betta and also a 2-3 gallon tank in case the neons nip him or he's aggressive. And if he does fine then I have an empty tank begging for a betta :kana: :D
They're like little piranha :) If you look up some info on bettas, they're usually one of the fish that you're told to avoid mixing together. Tetras nip, I've seen it, I got rid of my tetras when my betta was in a community for that very reason.

MD~ right on to the 3 gallon ;) :hey:

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