Need Some Id's Please :)


New Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Hey guys just need some plant IDs hoping you can all help me out. also my cabomba flowered outside in our bowl.


What is this stuff growing out of the ricca??? i have no clue. Is it just some kind of extension of the ricca? it doesnt really seem to have much in common with it that why im a bit wierded out.


this sort of reminds me of hair alge but its seems different. and it wasnt growing in my hairgrass so i dont think it is hair alge it was growing on the top intertwined with the ricca. it clumps sort of.

maybe another photo... soz phone camera...

The Cabomba...


its not the water Hycanth :)S spelling?), the floating one, as they have purple flowers. pretty surprised its flowered, never seen it before.

thanks everyone.

the flower is very nice, mine produced buds but they rotted beneath the water :(

I am not sure on #1, but it isnt an "extesion" of the riccia - doesnt look like algae either.

The stuff in the glass looks like cladophora algae (comonly sold as moss ball)
From the first pic, it looks like some kind of bladderwort. Does it have little bubble like structures along the stems?

Nice Cabomba flower btw :) I guess your water hyacinth is outdoors under direct sunlight.
Yeah Cabomba is wierd, when it grows it GROWS and sometimes it just rots off guessing its all about parametres.

Yeah thanks for the ID aaron and Snail.

the stuff in the glass seems to be cladophora alg and I went and had a look at those moss balls you were talking about about. looks pretty cool. might try and attach it to some driftwood or a stone. Read a bio about them and seems they're slow growing, and can tollerate low light levels. seems pretty good to me.

The stuff stemming off the ricca is bladderwart. Utricularia gibba to be exact. (info taken from this site) Its a carnivorous plant (you guys probably knew that) but im pretty amazed haha. Not much aquascaping value, but has some nice flowers, if i can get them to flower. might just chuck it in the bowl outside with the cabomba and hyacinths. Lost the fish that was in there after some major temperature jumps, and have since had a mosquito infestation. the bladder wart should do its duty and get to work with its carnivourousness hehehe...

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