Need Some Help


Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2010
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I have a 55 gallon community tank with guppies, zebra danios, cardinal tetras and african dwarf frogs. I would like to get some corys. Would like some opinions on which ones. I have plenty of hiding places and I have gravel substrait. Thanks all.
Corys prefer and do better with sand has opposed to gravel.

What size is your gravel?

They're are lots of corys to choose from,from the easy obtainable ones,albinos,bronze,peppered,trilineatus(three line cories,also mis sold has julli),pandas,sterbai to name a few.have a look on hereand see which ones you like.

Also cories prefers temps of 22-25 degrees,except sterbai prefer slightly warmer temps 28 degrees etc.
I plan on waiting at least a month after this issue is resolved before adding any fish. I would just like to know what I am getting so that I can find a lfs that carries healthy ones. No offense taken...would hope someone would smack me if I did add them now.

I have medium sized smooth gravel and crushed coral combination. If this is unacceptable for corys I will find a bottom feeding fish that will be okay with it. Thanks guys.

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