Need some help


Al Bundy
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 12, 2003
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hey, i'm gonna be getting a 3ft tank (First tank) and would like to know what type of filter and how powerful heaters should be, etc, etc, and also how many gallons it will hold+How many fish will fit in comfortably!!!

Please help me!!!
:D Hi!!!
Just thought id say hi as im very new to this to, as im setting an aquarium up as a gift!!! so its all very new to me but ive had great help from the guys on here!!

At the moment all i have is an empty tank and a backround but cannot do anything else with it untill that person is out the house and i cant wait to get the gravel, water, plants in etc!!!!
its going to be a gift for christmas so the fish will be picked some time after christmas day, must say im pretty excited!!!!

Sorry i cant give u any advise as im very new myself!!!

Good luck!!! xx
All a 3 foot tank would require would probably be one 150watt heater and 1 double sponge filter. It would be roughly 40 US gallons. Ans you could keep about 40 inches worth of fish quite easily.
so if i'm planing to put neon tetras in right now (About 5-6) what other fish could be in the tank, that won't hurt each other???
have you matured/cycled the tank? if not, then you need to leave it running with nothing in for at least a week. as for filtration, if you are in the uk, the fluval internals are probably the best unless you go to external canistres. there are many fish that would be compatable neons, it would be best if you said what you like and we could tell you if they are ok or not.
it would be best if you said what you like and we could tell you if they are ok or not.

Zebra Danios

Algae Eather(s) - How many are good?

Goast Shrimp - How many would do the tank good ( I heard they eat food at the bottom of the tank)

Other Tetras

Maybe a shark of some sort???

I'm on holidays atm, so i'll be able to cycle the tank for about 2 weeks, that a good idea, or should i cycle for less than 2 weeks???
the zebra danios should be fine with the neons as will the ghost shrimps. I would not add a shark as these can be agressive. a lot of people have them with other small fish like neons with no problems but a lot can stress the neons. as for algae eaters, otolinctus (ottos) are probably best as they are quite small and will not get agressive or teratorial like some speciese of loach. it will be even better if you can mature your tank for two weeks. just remember to stock slowly. :)
i'v been looking at a fish index:

Fish Index a - z

...what other fish do you guys recommend a beginner gets???

also, how about plants, how many do i need to have/what type

Finally for now, how much do the fish i name (Neon Tetras, Zebra Danios, Ghost Shrimp, Algea Eaters and a Silver/Bala Shark) cost, if anybody could help, please state which currency also, it would help me a lot!!!

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