Need Some Help...


Fish Herder
Apr 1, 2004
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Hi start I want to say that my knowledge in SW up until this point has been purely out of interest and never with the real thing. My boss recently sold his 90gal SW tank which was running for about 3 yrs and unfortunately the person buying it didn't want any of the livestock. So instead of letting it die (which was his idea) I decided to take the inhabitants for free and put them in my nano cube. Now his tank was fairly lightly stocked (I think) with 3 damsils 1 goby and 2 starfish along with crabs etc... I knwo this probably too much for my cube and if I need to tkae things to an IFS for resale then so be it....Better here than dead I guess was my logic to taking it all.

So I have a few Q's that I'd like to throw at you....

1) What should I be doing to give it all the best chance for survival... i.e frequent water changes.

2) I currently dont have any filter media in the basket at the back of the cube. What should I use?

3) Specific epuipment that I need?

4) Help me identify...please oh please.

Thanks for takin the time to help me out on this one....







Yikes, crash course indeed. A couple questions first.

How old is your cube?
How big is your cube?
What lighting do you have?
How many powerheads and of what gpm/lpm capacity are they?
Water parameters (pH, temp, ammonia, phosphate, nitrate, calcium, alkalinity)?
How old are those two Atlantic long tentacled anemones?
Were they that white before or after you moved them to your cube?

I'm not sure how long after the move those pics were taken, but thelivestock doesnt look all that happy. All the polyps and leathers are closed up, and the nems look bleached (not good). 2 Starfish do not belong in a nano tank. They WILL starve to death and when they die, they WILL nuke your tank, so send them back ASAP to save yourself lots of hassle in the future. As for the fish, thats probably overstocked for a nano, and I personally dont like damsels as they are very aggressive, but you might get lucky :)
i believe that is a sand sifting goby and it doesnt look like you have much in the way of sand for him to sift
Dam, looks lke you got alot of work to do. I would just be repeating what Skifletch said, so get us those stats straight away.

IMO, take back the Anemones, the Starfish, and those leaher corals. By the look of the water it looks like your tank is struggling.

Id keep any LR you got form the deal, the shrooms, the fish, and the zoanthids.

Take frequent water tests, and you may need to do a water change immediatly. If you dont have any SW made up, some LFS's may sell you some.

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