Need Some Help With My Dwarf Hamster...


Chuck Norris is the reason why waldo's hiding
Oct 20, 2005
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San Jose,California
My brother came home with an dwarf hamster that was just still a baby, I still dont think its a baby beacuse its about 2-3inches long. I was just wondering if anybody could help me with her. I made a trip to Petco to go get some advice from them and they helped me with the items such as the toys, chewing stick, cage, bedding,etc. But they didn' tell me anything about there social status, do they like being picked up and held? Or do they just like sitting in the cage? I also need to know if a male and a female can go with eachother, I've heard that they get too fiesty when with the opposite sex.

Please And Thank You!

I hve always seen dwarf hamsters in pairs, and unlike syrian hamsters, they like company, but as with all animals, of you keep two sexes in the same cage, they are going to breed and multiply at a phenomenal rate. So ensure theya re the same sex, or be prepared to have a lot more than planned!!

Hamsters can be extremely social amilmals ifyou take the time to train them. It takes time and is also partly dependent on the natureof the hamster. If you can start by just putting yout hand flat in the cage so the hamster can get used to the smell of you, and also the presence of your hand. It will gradually start to walk over your hand. It is important in this first stage that you do not make any quick or jerky movements with your hand, as theis will scare the hamster, and set you back a few weeks.

Once tha hamster ishapily walking over your hand, put a small amount of food in you palm,to encourage the hamster to sit on it, and stay there for a while, whilst it is eastin (or shovellng the food into its pouch!!).

Once the hamster is happy with this, try gentlly adding our other hand and vrey gently stroking the hamster whilst it is on the palm of your hand.

Once tha hamsteris happy and confident with this, then you can start to lift your hand oout of the cage with the little hammie in your palm. It is best for the hamster to be cuppe din your hand, rather than covered and trapped be two.

Gradually this can be built up, and your hamster will walk onto the palm of your hand, and allow you to take him out of hte cage and play with him.

It takes time, but it is very rewarding at the end.

I have a hamster called Fender,and he is now so tame he comes to the end of the cage sna almost tells us when he wants to cone out and play. When I open the lid he cliimbs out onto my palm, and then sits and waits nice and still untill hehas been taken to the sofa or onto the bed to run around!!

Also hamsters have very easily read body language. If their ears are fully up,and they are doing a 'prairie dog' pose, then they are happy and inquisitive hamsters. ALso, if their ears are up, it means they are fully awake, and most likely to be feelingmore sociable - like human eyes; when belary, leave well alone!!!

Have fun with our hamster.
OOOOooooo00000.... I see well I checked that website it helped a lot! And thanks for the information Herbert. I guess I need some time to tame her but I have a really strong feeling its a boy. -_-
I had Dwarf hamsters years ago i started off with 1 and i knew they liked company so got him a mate but because you cant introduce 2 strange males i got a female them when she had babies i split the sexes so i had dad and his son in 1 cage and mum and her 2 daughters in another cage and they lived happy together for about 3 years
Okay make sure you have aspen or carefresh bedding. A huge cage. Don't get a new friend for your dwarf now please I beg of you. He will more then likly fight.

Dwarfs have a very speacial diet. they cannot have corn, peas, carrots, fruits or any store bought treats. Dwarfs are highly prone to diabetes and these foods are hish in sugar. Yes you have to pick these foods out of the food mix. only 1-2 sunflower seeds daily.
this is an amzing hamstertaming guide use it okay?
ive had a few dwarf hamsters, the first was kept on her own. she ate anything i gave her (favourite being beansprouts!) and she was very sociable after she got used to me. she was 4 when she died so i must have been doing something right!
Dwarfs have a very speacial diet. they cannot have corn, peas, carrots, fruits or any store bought treats. Dwarfs are highly prone to diabetes and these foods are hish in sugar.

How can fruits cause diabetes? Don't they have the good sugar that arent harmful?

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