Need Some Help With My Biggest Sharks


New Member
Nov 23, 2008
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I have a Colombian shark and an ID shark in a 65g tank along with some barbs, loaches, rainbow shark and red tailed black shark. The ID and the Colombian have been there the longest, but they will NOT leave their own little corners. They just swim into the glass up and down, up and down all day all night. They never leave the area. The Colombian is swimming into and around the heaters, so I have began to wonder if the tank temp is off - it is currently at 28.2 degrees.

Anyone know why these guys are hiding in the corner?
I have a Colombian shark and an ID shark in a 65g tank along with some barbs, loaches, rainbow shark and red tailed black shark. The ID and the Colombian have been there the longest, but they will NOT leave their own little corners. They just swim into the glass up and down, up and down all day all night. They never leave the area. The Colombian is swimming into and around the heaters, so I have began to wonder if the tank temp is off - it is currently at 28.2 degrees.

Anyone know why these guys are hiding in the corner?

i think both of these are schooling fish and like to have company of their on kind. another issue you are going to have is that columbian sharks need brackish water when theyre young and full marine as the get older. the irridescent shark(Pangasius), will need a huge tank, most of these grow 3 feet or bigger. alot of people believe that the id sharks shouldnt be sold in petstores because of the size and fact that the common fish keeper will not be able to house something of this size.

you have a nice stock list minus those 2, you could try to return them while they are small and go with a smaller catfish that will live in a tank the size of yours for life.

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