Need Some Help On Finding A Good Betta Tank

corpse fish

Fish Fanatic
Nov 6, 2005
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right now im keeping my betta in a pathetic little betta keeper, and i'm trying to find some good tanks to put him in. from your pov, how many gallons should a betta have and do you have an recomendations on what i should buy? (links are very helpful if possible)
where in the world do you live?

people who have lots of bettas tend to keep them in 1 or 2 gallon containers, but if you're only going to have the one, why not spoil it! 5-10 gallons is great, and at the size you could even have a (very carefully researched) companion for him.

i have 2 bettas, 1 is in a 4 gallon acrylic tank with 25 watt heater and 2 fake plants, he loves it.
my other is in a 7 gallon glass tank with internal filter/heater posh stuff, i think he likes it so far! (he was upgraded from a 2 gallon glass bowl on thursday)

depends on your budget really, the 4 gallon + heater came to about £60 in the end (yeah, i got ripped), the 7 gallon was a gift, but was probably in the region of £90-£150.
i also have a 5 gallon hex, the filter is too strong for a VT though, looking for a plakat for it, that was £50 including shipping off ebay.
Tropico was temporarily and very happily housed in a plastic 1 gallon candy tub. He would flare, make bubble nests, act all "this is MY space!" but now he's in the 5 gallon he happily cruises all over and can't be bothered making a nest or flaring.

You might even find a decent sized goldfish bowl(2 gallon) that he'd enjoy, one that's more horizontal, less vertical in shape. They run around $5 here. Vases are usually too vertical and not big enough or thick enough glass. All I can say is don't just check in petstores....I've found cheaper identical stuff in garden departments, like in Walmart. Tropico is happy in his unheated 5 gallon tank but he's in a room that gets a fair amount of heat. Right now I've got thriving (go figure) guppies in a plastic storage tub. With filtration, gravel, plants, heat, they're just fine. Danged live bearers anyways! :X :p

Oh and if you don't mind it and want to save mega bucks, pick up a cracked tank, they're usually about to be tossed out or thrown out. Buy the aquarium safe silicone glue(found ours at Canadian Tire), glue that crack shut, let it cure and set up one perfectly good way cheap tank. Just put the cracked bit towards the back, cover with an interesting backdrop and it probably won't be noticed. I've got two cracked tanks and they are perfectly watertight with thriving fish in them. Since I don't have a money bush in the backyard this was the way to go for me. :)
My fave aquarium for a betta is a Mini-Bow. They come in several sizes (2.5 or 5 gallon would be best, IMO), and lots of colours to choose from. Very attractive little tanks :nod:
Thanks for the suggestions, especially snowyz mom. I'm trying to go a bit on the cheeper side nowadays, since I plan on getting more bettas and still have another tank to support by myself, and that's proving to be a bit difficult when you're 14 and unemployed :*) . I've been thinking of the small little betta hexagon things with the plants and the gravel, but it's not much bigger if even than my betta keeper I have him in now. What beats me up is that i had a cracked 20 gallon tank, and before learning about silacone i just threw it out :X. I'm thinking I may just have to keep him in there until after christmas or until I finally get my fry tank set up, then I'll be able to go betta crazy :D

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