Need some help here!!


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
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Hi. I posted this topic in the beginner section, but haven't had much response so I thought I'd try here cause this situation is driving me nuts!

I have 2 tanks with the same problem. It started with my 25 gallon which had high nitrites & nitrates (& some brown algae starting to appear). I did daily water changes & the levels are now good, but the oily film & bubbles which don't pop keep reappearing on the surface. My 10 gallon only had 2 danios, but has been empty for a week. The water condition has been good, but the surface is the same - even without fish. I've skimmed the surface of both tanks with paper towel, but the condition returns.

I feed my fish Nutrafin Max & have started using Stress Coat (not sure if that makes a difference). I have an Aqaclear Mini on my 10 gallon & an Aqaclear 200 on my 25 gallon.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I know some foods can leave an oily surface on the water, especially if overfeeding is taking place. Do you have much surface disturbance? (i.e. air bubbler and current flow from filter)
I actually had the same problem for a while in my puffer tank, turned out it was the water conditioner, it didn't actually cause any harm to the fishes. In the end I moved the spray bar further up to create more surface movement, mostly gone now.

Stardecisis is right, some foods can definately cause this problem, is it coming back even without fish and food in there?
Yes, the problem returns even without feeding or fish. I had 2 danios in my 10 gallon a week ago & even after they were removed the oily surface continued & even looked like it had gotten worse. I changed water conditioners a couple weeks ago - I started using Stress Coat, but not sure if that's what started it. It could have been happening earlier & I just didn't notice it.

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