Need some fish ideas


Fish Crazy
Feb 3, 2004
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Today i gave away my 3" breeding pair of convict cichlids. They just spit out too many fry and were terrorizing my tank and ripping up all my plants.

SO anyway i want to do a heavily planted tank now. My tank is pretty well planted now, but i just ordered a ton more plants and have no idea where i will put them now....but i'll figure it out.

But i need occupants. Right now i have my 6 ottos, 13 tiger barbs and 6 tetras. I also have quite a few snails as i actually seem to like snails more than fish. I also have 20-30 convict fry but i'm trying to give them away plus they might get eaten by the new tankmates so not worried.

Right now i want to get 4-6 more neon tetras.

I also NEED Kuhli loaches. I love those little guys. The cons wouldn't let me put them in but now i am going to as soon as i can find an LFS with some. How many should I get? I have a lot of low plant cover and caves and such.

I want a female betta. I had one in the tank before but had to give her to a friend when the cons got aggressive. Now i can get 1-2 more

Now i was thinking 1 angelfish but not sure if the barbs would fin-nip it. WHat do you think?

You think this is overstocking? What would you do?
Hi Mustang5L5, I have no answers for you--sorry. I was wondering where you go for your fish? I wish I could take your fry off your hands, but I just don't have the room for another tank. Good luck in your search.
Well, if you add kuhlis, you should probably add 4-5 of them. That would pretty much fill your tank, in my opinion.

I'd probably save the betta or angel for another tank. Both could be tempting targets for the tigers. Maybe not, but you never can tell...
Yeah, i was figuring that their trailing fins would be a good target.

I might just add perhaps 5 kuhlis for now and maybe 2 more neons.

Then i'll reevaluate where i stand. I may just leave the tank at that then. I did have a female betta in the tank but the only reason i took her out was because of the convicts.
[quote name='Madi's Platy' date='Apr 15 2004, 10:00 PM'] Hi Mustang5L5, I have no answers for you--sorry. I was wondering where you go for your fish? [/quote]
There are actually a lot of LFS around the Boston area. Most of them are chain type and they all seems to carry the same cookie-cutter type of basic fish. I'm trying to find some diversity but none of the stores i have visited have anything unique.

I'm trying to find a store with some kuhli loaches
well i went with 1 angelfish and 4 more neons.

My sis let me try her betta in my tank. SO far he's fine. The barbs leave him alone and he seems to like 38 gallons of swimming space a lot better than 1 gallon. If the barbs nip his fins too bad she's getting him back. The barbs don't touch the angel so far.

I still want to add some kuhli loaches as bottom feeders. I know i'm right at the limits of stocking but i think i can cheat a little because i have two oversized filters and this tank will have heavy plant growth and i keep it spotless.

The barbs and the tetras tend to stick together a lot in groups so they have plenty of room.

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