Need Some Fish Ideas


Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
Hi guys.
I still have some space available in my 100gallon reef for about 3 more fish (depending on species ect.)
I currently have
-5 yellow tangs
-2 emperor cardinals
-1 six line wrasse
-1 coral beauty
-1 marroon clown
-1 foxface rabbit fish

I have lps, soft and polyp corals.

So what do you guys suggest??

I love Christmas Wrasses.
Says their not reef safe, but really just toward inverts. Since you tank is established I'm thinking your shrimps should be a good size now and shouldn't be dinner.

A Pseudochromis


Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse - (Cirrhilabrus solorensis)
Very beautiful


Scott's Fairy Wrasse
(Cirrhilabrus scottorum)

Just some ideas :)
smaller maroon clown and try make a pair?

Be careful and read up on pairing them. If I remember correctly they are hardest to pair and it ends up in a blood bath if it doesn't go right. Not trying to scare you, but be sure to read up on it if you go this route.

regal/purple tang?
100g is the bare minimum reqired for a regal tang. This is the bare minimum for a purple tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) also.

I think you really need 5 or 6 to get good shoaling action. You may be able to add them all. The clown, foxface and tangs will get to a decent size, but the others stay fairly small. I don't think anthias get that big either.
IMO I wouldn't add another fish. Especially not another tang.
Do you think I would get away with a fairy wrasse similar to the one I used to have and maybe something else like a royal grammer, midas blennie and some other sort of larger blenny/gobie?

However, I have just been looking up reef safe triggerfish. The pinktailed triggerfish certainly does seem to jump out at me..... :rolleyes:

Melichthys niger. Good chance it will eat your shrimp anyway. It is supposed to be a bit more easy going w/tankmates although it can nip fins, I guess. Have you read much about them?
Triggers are messy and produce a lot of waste. You already have a lot of large-ish fish, I seriously wouldn't add any more.
Scientific name is Melichthys vidua.
I dont have any shrimp in the tank so eating shrimp wont be a problem. And I have read in many okaces that they dont bother corals and are one of the safest triggers for a reef tank.

As for being worried about the waste produced, I do a 20gallon water change every 2 weeks so I can keep on top of water conditions.
I seriously doubt that adding one more fish would cause problems in the tank........
the tanks only overstocked if the water params are high/unstable and the fish bully each other. Best not to go mad and run things on a knife edge but i cant see what adding a ittle fish or two would do tbh
Ben, I do my best to keep in check with water :p

I think I will add just one or two more fish. Deffinatly another wrasse and possibly the trigger.
Thanks guys


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