Need some advice


New Member
May 23, 2005
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I need some advice. The only fish I've ever owned was a betta, which died a few months ago - he was a tough little guy - we had him for 3 years, during which we even moved from Texas to Michigan!

Anyways - someone at work was talking about getting rid of their fish and if they couldn't find someone, anyone to take them - that they'd just flush them down the toliet! So of course, I said... "Umm...I'll just take them."

I have no clue what kind of fish they are and he has moved so I can't find a way to contact him...urgh! They seem to be doing good. There are 3 of them - one's pretty big (at least to me) and the other 2 are tiny ones (one orange and one blue) -

Once I got them home (he just sat them in a plastic bowl with a cover on my desk one night and I found them like that in the morning - nice, eh? - I had to set up a tank - I have a small one, in the process of getting a new bigger one (in a couple of weeks) -

The water is cloudy. Almost a green color. I've never had a problem like this with the betta fish. Does this mean the tank is too small for the 3?? Someone at work said the bigger one almost looked like a Koi fish - i thought Koi's were so much bigger? If it is a koi - what next?!

I'll try taking pictures of them so you can take a look and see what I'm talking about.

Thanks in advance.
Hi there :)
How big is the tank roughly and how long are the fish each roughly i.e 2inchs etc?
The greeness is probably algae, while the white cloudyness is most likely a bacterial bloom- do a 60% water change using dechlorinator as this will help improve both :thumbs:
I think it's a 5 gallon. The big fish is about 2-3 inches in length and the 2 smalls one are about an inch.

I think the big fish is a comet! I've been searching for pictures of fish and I'm fairly certain that is what he is. The other 2 - no earthly clue. one is silver with blue on fins and tail and the other is silver with orange.
If you can get some pics or links of the fish that would realy help, but i would rehome the comet if you are sure he is one as he'll grow far too big for a 5gal and should not be mixed with tropical fish- here's a link with some goldfish pics including a comet one;

Keep doing water changes on a regular basis(20% every day with dechlorinator) and your fish and water quality will realy benifet from it, i would also go out and buy water quality test kits for ammonia, nitrate and nitrites and test your water for them :nod:
Does the tank have heating, lighting or a filter of any sort?

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