Need Some Advice


New Member
Sep 1, 2006
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I have a 30 litre Biorb. It is overstocked! :blush:

In it there are:
2 tiger barbs
4 neon tetra
1 head and tail light tetra
2 torpedo barbs
2 zebra danios
2 pearl danios
1 emperor tetra
2 shrimp
1 apple snail
1 Betta

Everyone is living together happily at the moment. Since reading on forums I have realied that I am very lucky the Betta is not being harrassed by his tankmates!

I am about to go and pick up a 4ft x 15 inch x 12 inch aquarium in about 2 hrs. Very excited and I'm sure my fish will be very grateful!

The plan is to separate my fish up into the two tanks once the new tank has cycled. I plan to use the ornament and some water from my Biorb to help with the cycling process. However, we are really wanting to get a shark for the new tank so the mix needs to be done just right.

How does this sound?:

In the Biorb:
1 Betta
6 Neons (add 2)

In the larger tank:
6 Tiger barbs (add 4)
2 Torpedos
2 Zebra danios
2 Pearl Danios
1 Apple snail
Some smaller shoaling fish...any suggestions?
1 Shark (possibly Rainbow as from researching these are the more placid)

Could I add anymore to the larger tank?

Thankyou in advance for any help,


Nicely done for upgrading to a larger tank, the biorb was very overstocked indeed!

If I were you, I'd see how the fish react to the new tank, and let everything settle down before thinking of adding anymore fish. You don't want to stress your current fish too much, so let them acclimatise to your bigger tank first.


adding water and the ornament from your bi-orb isn't going to make any real difference to the cycling process, the bacteria is living in the filter pad and substrate. I woudl take some of the substrate and put that in one of the compartments of the new filter, that should make a difference :)
adding water and the ornament from your bi-orb isn't going to make any real difference to the cycling process, the bacteria is living in the filter pad and substrate. I woudl take some of the substrate and put that in one of the compartments of the new filter, that should make a difference :)

i used a old stocking to hold the gravel from the first tank. looks odd, though not many people noticed????

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