Need Some Advice On This.


Fish Crazy
Mar 19, 2013
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look at my signature. everything i have is in there. apparently rams, albino corys and kuhli loaches are suppose to be in a 30 or bigger. so i was thinking about moving them into the 30 and my kribs into the 10. i didn't wan't to go do it without advice though. thanks!  
The rams and cories won't do well with the tigers, even though you have a god size shoal.
but aren't the rams aggressive???i thought they would be able to defend them selves.
Not against tigers, IME. I have tried it, and the rams and cories just went into hiding, and only came out for food,
The kribs get bigger than the ram also, so should probably stay in the bigger tank.
i know kribs get bigger than corys. but that's how a lot of people breed them is in a ten g just by them selves.
No kuhli loaches can be in a 5. They are nocturnal and live underground almost 24/7
yes, that i learned after i bought them. lol! there is a hump of sand that i think is a tunnel in the tank. it's kind of like what it looks like when a mole tunnels through the ground. 
Kuhlii Loach (Pangio sp.)
QUICK STATS Minimum Tank Size50 gallons Care LevelModerate TemperamentPeaceful Water Conditions79-86° F, KH 3-5, pH 6.0-6.5 Max. Size4½" Color FormRed, Tan DietCarnivore OriginSoutheast Asia FamilyCobitidae
Kuhlii loaches are best kept in a group of 6+ as well.
Kribensis Cichlid (Pelvicachromis pulcher)
QUICK STATS Minimum Tank Size50 gallons Care LevelEasy TemperamentPeaceful Water Conditions72-82° F, KH 3-10, pH 6.0-8.0 Max. Size4" Color FormBlack, Red, Yellow DietOmnivore CompatibilityView Chart OriginFarm Raised FamilyCichlidae
so you're saying that i can't have kuhli loaches either? i guess i'm making a trip to my LFS again.

oh you have kribensis! you are the first person i have seen on here that owns kribensis. i'm worried about mine. the female has been doing better but the male just sits in the cave all day and comes out at night.
Always research the type of fish you want before you buy. It saves on alot of trips to your LFS. Ask us here at the forum! That's what we're here for, To help and make suggestions! 
yes, for some reason i always forget to ask before i get. i've done that a couple times now.
That's what is called impulse buying. I did it as well when I first started keeping fish. I think everyone has done it once or twice in their life.
I have to admit I think some of the guides that you are looking at are a bit on the steep side....
Personally I think your set ups are fine as they are... 
Rams are a small cichlid and can be kept in my opinion upwards of 65/70 litres with little or no problem. Their territory patrol is not that big and most 18inch square to 12 x 25 inch squares - most breeders wouldnt keep them in anything else. Since they are the only cichlid in there I would say so long as their tank is complex and interesting for them to sift through they will be very happy. The bigger issue is how they are coping in the water you are keeping them in, they are sometimes tough to keep depending on their lineage - ie if they are quite close to wild fish they need high temperatures and low ph where as more intensively farmed fish are better in mid temps and mid ph. How long have you had yours and how are they doing? Are they active? Well coloured? Feeding well? Are they interested in the outside of the tank and do they interact with you when you approach the tank?
Khulli Loach - I think with just 2 the tank will suit them, loaches are gregarious not shoaling so its not truely vital for them to be in large groups though it is preferable and will encourage them to come out more. I think because of this 2 will do well in your 10g as they are not that active and again for me have been a popular choice for smaller tanks like this...
The thing in this tank I am a bit concerned about is actually the Cories... they are actually a schooling fish more so than the loaches and need to be kept in at least 6 - this is to replicate the view for the fish of being in the very outskirts of a large school, when the need for feeling safe in a school is needed.
I mean saying that the fish above will be okay in the smaller tank they are all fish that are really on the brink of being okay admitedly....
One option you could consider and Im not sure how you would feel about it but you could change your schooling fish from the Tiger Barbs for something less fiesty and a bit smaller and add some of your fish from the 10g into the 30g so your stocking would look something like
2 Kribensis -1m1f
1 Blue Ram
2 Platy
8 Flame Tetra? Lemon Tetra? Flame Back Bleeding Heart Tetra?
1 Albino BN Pleco
6 Corydoras - since you have Albino you could do a mix of Albino and Bronze as the commonly available Albino are the Albino strain of the Bronzes
6 Khuli Loaches
Then leave the 10g free for a new community - in small tanks I really think the best way to go is micro fish like galaxy rasbora and pygmy corydoras.
Hope thats helped...
thanks! that was helpful but may be hard to switch the tank up like that because it's not just mine. i have had the fish in the 10 g for 2 days and they all seem perfectly fine. they are very active, very well colored, eating very well but they are very scared. they are out all the time but when i come close to the tank the ram freaks out and hides. but that might just be him still adjusting. 
Wills said:
I have to admit I think some of the guides that you are looking at are a bit on the steep side....
Personally I think your set ups are fine as they are... 
Rams are a small cichlid and can be kept in my opinion upwards of 65/70 litres with little or no problem. Their territory patrol is not that big and most 18inch square to 12 x 25 inch squares - most breeders wouldnt keep them in anything else. Since they are the only cichlid in there I would say so long as their tank is complex and interesting for them to sift through they will be very happy. The bigger issue is how they are coping in the water you are keeping them in, they are sometimes tough to keep depending on their lineage - ie if they are quite close to wild fish they need high temperatures and low ph where as more intensively farmed fish are better in mid temps and mid ph. How long have you had yours and how are they doing? Are they active? Well coloured? Feeding well? Are they interested in the outside of the tank and do they interact with you when you approach the tank?
Khulli Loach - I think with just 2 the tank will suit them, loaches are gregarious not shoaling so its not truely vital for them to be in large groups though it is preferable and will encourage them to come out more. I think because of this 2 will do well in your 10g as they are not that active and again for me have been a popular choice for smaller tanks like this...
The thing in this tank I am a bit concerned about is actually the Cories... they are actually a schooling fish more so than the loaches and need to be kept in at least 6 - this is to replicate the view for the fish of being in the very outskirts of a large school, when the need for feeling safe in a school is needed.
I mean saying that the fish above will be okay in the smaller tank they are all fish that are really on the brink of being okay admitedly....
One option you could consider and Im not sure how you would feel about it but you could change your schooling fish from the Tiger Barbs for something less fiesty and a bit smaller and add some of your fish from the 10g into the 30g so your stocking would look something like
2 Kribensis -1m1f
1 Blue Ram
2 Platy
8 Flame Tetra? Lemon Tetra? Flame Back Bleeding Heart Tetra?
1 Albino BN Pleco
6 Corydoras - since you have Albino you could do a mix of Albino and Bronze as the commonly available Albino are the Albino strain of the Bronzes
6 Khuli Loaches
Then leave the 10g free for a new community - in small tanks I really think the best way to go is micro fish like galaxy rasbora and pygmy corydoras.
Hope thats helped...
Wills, Funny thing is, I copied all that info I gave from a very reputable website ( that many of the moderators on here told me about ). 

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