Need some advice on aquarium salt


Mar 11, 2004
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Virginia, United States
I've been using aquarium salt in my 1 gal beta tank and my 10 gal community tank. I've been very happy with it but I hear you can't have scaleless fish like algae eaters with salt . After changing the water in my 10 gal tank 3 times in 4 days and not adding salt I assume a lot of the salt would be gone but not all of a sudden my betta breaks out with what I think is a nasty case of fin rot. So I guess my question is is there any algae eaters that stand salt? I really think it helps a lot with there breathing and overall well being but I'd like an algae eater. What can I do?
I have 4 cories and they are fine with the salt that I've added. I add about 1/4 of what is recommended, so it's enough to have somewhat of a salt concentration, but not enough to harm anyone else.

Salt is totally personal preference. You'll hear lots of different opinions.

Good luck with whatever you choose!
From what I know, you should not put salt in with any cories, or other catfish. I don't think there are any algae eaters that can be put in with salt.

I personally have never used salt, and my tanks have always been perfectly healthy. I think it's probably a thing of personal preference. :dunno:

Also, can I just ask a question. You said that you have been doing water changes to remove the salt from your 10 gallon, but then mention your betta getting fin rot. Is the betta in the 10 gal or the betta bowl? Did you also do water changes in the bowl? I'm sorry, but you confused me a bit... :look:
My betta had salt in his 1 gal tank but I moved him to the 10 gal tank because I have a small room and I didn't have room for his tank anymore. When I first set up the 10 gal tank I put salt in it but I did 3 water changes (1 25% change and 2 10 to 15% changes) to keep the ammonia down. Well I assume I removed some of the salt but 1 day after the 3rd waterchange he developed horrible fin rot. I added 3 teaspoons after I noticed his fin rot but his left pectoral fin was completely gone and his tail fin was down to a nub and he died today unfortunately :(

My other question is how long (or how many water changes) will it take to remove enough of the salt to make the tank suitable for an algae eater?

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