Need Some Advice On A New 30 Usg Tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 8, 2010
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Hi all, I saw this starter kit at a LFS (Petsmart) and was wondering if it is a good one:

Marineland LED Aquarium Kit 29

I'm planning to upgrade from a 10 USG tank with live plants+2 mollys+2 plattys+2 gouramis+2 corys+1 rainbow shark+1 snail to a 30 USG.

This kit has LED lights and that is my concern. Are LEDs as effective and as good as fluorescent aquarium bulbs. I heard that the high power fluorescent bulbs help in maintaining a healthy environment for both the fish and the plants. Is this true?

Thanks for the help.
Hi all, I saw this starter kit at a LFS (Petsmart) and was wondering if it is a good one:

Marineland LED Aquarium Kit 29

I'm planning to upgrade from a 10 USG tank with live plants+2 mollys+2 plattys+2 gouramis+2 corys+1 rainbow shark+1 snail to a 30 USG.

This kit has LED lights and that is my concern. Are LEDs as effective and as good as fluorescent aquarium bulbs. I heard that the high power fluorescent bulbs help in maintaining a healthy environment for both the fish and the plants. Is this true?

Thanks for the help.
Can't help you with the lighting as i don't keep live plants but your rainbow shark and other tankmates will push you over the prefered stocking level in a 30gal tank.

OK, I called marineland company and they told me that LEDs used in the product are ok for low light plants. I will go to the LFS and see if I can take a look inside the hood and determine if I can take some out and add other high power LEDs. Will update later.

UPDATE#1: so i finally bought the tanks since I got a sweeeeeet deal :D LEDs can not be replaced in this model, as they are not shaped as what a usual LED is like. I get the shimmering effect of light, but the light is not that strong ans I have some shady areas. The good thing is that the light does not bother the eyes as some high power fluorescents do. I will give it some time to see how it affects my live plants.

PLEASE reply if you KNOW about LEDs or have EXPERIENCE with one.


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