Need Serious Help And Advice..decorating Tank Very Soon


Fish Fanatic
Apr 7, 2011
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Ok guys basically as the title suggests...i need help decorating my tank. Now ive had fish for many many years now since i was a child and i always used to look after them with parents when we had a massive tank....but now im older i decided to start up my own tank etc in my bedroom and it was just a 60 litre tank....after my family seeing that it looked really good they suggested to buy a larger tank but move it downstairs and i take sole care of it as its one of my hobbies. I gladly agreed so i bought a larger tank its a 130l tall tank.

Now here lies the problem....ive always had planted tanks in the past but the thing is cleaning hasnt been the easiest and its quite a job getting to all the this tank i want to keep without any plants...or very very few little ones...they dont have to be real either id prefer artificial ones to be honest. But my theme for this tank is pure natural ...classy and wow.....

I have currently got white sand in it and bogwood/driftwood and the contrast is really good with the brown and white. What i would like help on is on the following:

i need a background....originally i was thinking a cool 3d brown wood or brown stone coloured background like on some of the jewel tanks....but where would i buy this from for my tank....and if i could buy would it work as my heater is stuck to the back of the glass and as far as i know the 3d background is inside the where would my heater go? Or does anyone have a place where i can buy just normal stick on backgrounds they think would look good....failing that ill just get a plain black background ....

i have to keep some driftwood in their as i have bristlenose catfish that loves the stuff but i would also like pebbles and slate rock....what colour should i go for to complement the sand and the wood....and also i would like to build them up to make a cave kind of thing for my bottom feeders.

how do i get algae to grow on pebbles as i have a few fish that would love to feed on the pebbles etc

also where can i buy some kind of real looking pebble that is an air stone....the ones that give a current bubble flow in the water....or anything similar as i have fish that would like that kind of current in a certain area as oppose to the whole tank....

I appreciate this is a bit vague as you havent seen the tank...ill take pics if needed....but if you can just imagine a tallish tank with white sand and some bogwood bang in the middle....currently i have three very large pieces as i was given them free but i think maybe i should only use one piece to keep it simple etc im not sure

ive never had a problem decorating a tank in the past until its come to this one as i just cant find the right balance

if anyone has any advice or any tips or if possible could answer all the above questions...i will be in debt to you ! ...i just want a fully natural looking ...classy...simple aquarium to show of all the fish colours really well....and the contrast between the wood and the sand colour and any slate rock and pebbles etc

ive spent ages looking at tanks etc and they all look lovely but couldnt find too many with white sand

here are a few tanks i like the look of just to give an idea of what direction i want to go in < i like the white sand simplicity with the brown centre piece rocks and wood etc looks simple yet stunning

and this is my perfect tank...this is the exact kind of design i want to go for in the sense of simple yet effective....i dont want to copy it but i mean in the sense of being simple yet stunning is what im trying to achieve

i want those green mossy balls...not sure what they are ....i want that middle centre piece etc and i like the slate rock used etc....obviously mine is on white sand so im not sure what colour each item should be to compliment it....

also i need to buy everything and get the tank sorted in the next few days ! as its time for my fish to enter
with my new tank, i am going to get large cobble stones and stack them on top of each other, and then place 2 or 3 artificial plants within the rocks, for that extra bit of WOW. They have the tank i want on display at my LFS with exactly that set up and it looks STUNNING!!! :hyper:
with my new tank, i am going to get large cobble stones and stack them on top of each other, and then place 2 or 3 artificial plants within the rocks, for that extra bit of WOW. They have the tank i want on display at my LFS with exactly that set up and it looks STUNNING!!! :hyper:
thats the type of thing im looking to do !...i just need to try and picture what colour the rocks, pebbles and slate stone should be so it looks good with the wood and white sand ...then i can start buying etc
Personally I wouldn't bother with a 3d background as it would take up swimming space.
For the rocks you can easily buy some or find some and stick them together with aquarium safe silicone into different layouts if you wanted cave type structures from them.
Would be good to see a pic so we can have a better idea :) espesh of the bogwood!
thats true....the background is probably more hassle than its worth ...ill stick with a background sheet !

ill get some pics up going to the store in about twenty mins so might try and pick up some bits and bobs

any idea where i can buy aquarium safe silicone as i like the idea of making my own structure as then it would be exactly how i the past i always used to balance all my bits and bobs and they all looked as if it was one structure which i liked !
The problem with 3D backgrounds is they can get manky and become hard to clean. Personally not my cuppa tea.
ive gone off the 3d backgrounds now so ill stick with a regular stick back one...

as for the aquarium silicone your right they sell it so ill buy a bit !

also what is a bubble wall? might be a stupid question but im guessing a wall of bubbles shooting up?...any pics or anything

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