Need Quick Reply! Tire Tracks...


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Hi, my tanks cycled, and ive rang the LFS and they have a tire track eel for sale....I know they get massive, but how fast do they grow, and do you think id be able to sell it easily???

Tyre tracks are the fastest growing of the available spiny eels, expect it to be a foot within a year and then at least 3" a year growth after that.

Large commonly available fish are not easy to sell, even rarer large fish can be difficult to rehome. If you can sell it dont expect to get a large ammount of money for it.
Allright that rules that out...
Another LFS near me has some "rubber eels" for sale, but i need to phone back, so i can get abit more info on them...

Also, would my tank be ok with 5ppm of nitrate???

Rubber eels are likely to be caecilian worms, a type of amphibian,%20C...ian%20Worms.htm they dont do well in tanks with fish.

I would like to be able to get one of my tanks down to 5ppm nitrate, all my tanks run at between 40 and 60ppm!! Nitrates under 100ppm are nothing to worry about unless you have nitrate sensative fish or have an algea phobia though its best to try and keep it around the 50ppm mark or lower if you can.
Allright then, all sounds good...
They said to ring tomorrow, so i can check what exactly they are, as the fish person wasnt there...
You know what the LFS' are like, sometimes they label things wrong...
Looks like i wont be getting anything tonight

Thanks, Mikey
Make sure the rubber eels arent Tulip or swamp eels (Synbranchus species) either, i have seen them labled as rubber eels once before and these are really nasty characters.
Yeah, theyre big fellas!!! Get to 50, 60 odd inches dont they??
Ill only get one of its the normal spiny eel appearance, or something like that, cos i dont want a monster...
Ill probably just ring BAS in a minute, and see if they have any peacocks in... Still havent decided on my stock :/ Any surrgestions?

Yeah, thats what i was planning to do with a fire eel, but i dont want to be stuck with a huge fish....Its 3" now

Abit of a dialeama really


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