Need Quick Help, Painting Room!


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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can i just cover the fishtank w/ a blanket or 2 to keep the fumes out? im also planning on geting a new tank today (55 from a 20) can i just fill it, get it to the right temp and put the fish in? They are freshwater btw. Thank you! :D
If you cant relocate the tank while you paint, then covering it is the enxt best option. I'd turn off any airstones etc. just in case - just leave the filter running.

If you're setting up a new tank from scratch, you'll need to condition the water.

Can you use your old filter in the new tank (to trasfer the nitrifying) bacteria? or is it a sealed & fixed system.
If you cant use the old filter in the new tank, you'll need to cycle the new set-up before adding fish.

You can look up methods for fishless cycling in the pinned topics in the beginner section
If you were able (or had a long enough airline) and had an airstone (or UGF) you could run the pump from another room (or even outside) so that crap air wasn't being put into the water.

And as was said.......if you can't move it.....then cover it....try to get low odour paints, keep the area well ventilated etc etc..

good luck.... :good:
Latex paint has less fumes than oil base, try to go with that. I've painted rooms around tanks several times, I cover the tank mainly to avoid paint drips, just like any other piece of furniture. I have painted around tanks with fumey oil based paint, I did my entire basement floor about a year ago with very little ventilation, as there are only 2 small vent windows. I had 12 tanks running down there at the time, didn't lose a single fish. I've also painted metal stands with oil based paint down there, again, no problem.

If you are using latex paint, as long as you don't drip in the tank, the fish will be fine. Mine are nosy, they supervise what I am doing. :)

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