Need Quick Advice About Getting The Salinity Correct.

May 20, 2006
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I just filled the tank up with some water I bought from the lfs and the salinity of it is still way too high. Should I just use tap water to balance it out or distilled water?
umm this question is tricky, i really depends on the stuff inside your tap water. If you dont have anything in your tank at the moment it isn't a big deal and you should go pick up some water of the LFS tomorrow, but if there is stuff in the tank jsut use tap water. Most people will say use RO, but i have always used Tap water, but all my water levels in my tap water are fine.
Is the tank full to the top? And how high is the salinity? If its off the scale (1.030+) and you're full to the top, remove 20% of the water and re-fill with distilled or more RO from your pet store. Save the 20% you take away though and re-use it for your next water change :D
Thanks for the help guys! This is saltwater from the lfs and I would think it would be correct already. I'm going to try that 20% trick though. Wish me luck!
how are you mentioning sg and what is your tank temp?
Okay just another thought . . . I've got the equipment to measure it??

I have a hydrometer but I had to take it to the lfs to get it calibrated. And it was off. . . that's just a thought.

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