Need Opions - Done Something Very Stupid


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
I've filled my tank and realised that it's not level.

Stupidly I tested it left to right, but now there's water in I can see the back in about a cm lower than than the front.

Current plan is to empty all the water out of the tank and slide some hard board under the back legs.

Can anyone:

A - see a problem with this plan / recommend a better one

B - Reassure me that the slight level issue isn't going to be a problem in the long term
SHouldnt be much of a problem as long as it is not rocking about. As for the idea you had sounds alright though i would be carful when lifting dont want to drop or knck the whole tank over
yeh the slight unlevel aint gonna cause 2 much issue specially leaning backwards learning forwards could start causing problem as if kids or even u slightly pull the tank forward it may with the weight of water pulling aswell unbalance andf tip forward if u get me that is lol

the wood idea should be fine too but if the tank is really heavy and only sitting on like 4 thinish legs then hardwood in time will indent and crush due 2 weight

Shouldnt be too much of a problem but if your unduly worried then use some hardwood shims/wedges to level her up. (you may need to empty the tank somewhat, but it may be better in the long run)
the worst part of it is, now i know, even if the glass isn't in danger, it just... annoys me

there's only water and sand in there at the moment, i won't get a better chance, looks like i'm buying a paddling pool tomorrow :grr:
Well that was a long evening...

Raced home from work, bought some hardboard, a garden hose and a paddling pool and got cracking.

Had to move the table with my desk / main computer out the way before blowing up the paddling pool:


Around this point the pool started making some rather worrying noises as the base moved position slightly under the water load, thankfully it held:


Even empty the tank / stand / sump weigh a LOT. Managed to lift one side enough for my girlfriend for slide the board under, until finally level!:


I refilled the tank with the little pump for the phosphate reactor (which was worth it's wieght in gold this evening) filling the sump and then using the main sump pump to refill the tank:


Cloudy but finally full again:


Good display of how powerful the metal halide over the main tank (2 x 250W) are in comparison to the power compacts (4 x 36W) over the nano:


My girlfriend is pretty heavily pregnant so wasn't able to help much, thankfully I did have a trusty old friend to help me along:

Good work @om. Gotta love these few little slip-ups that make you go Doh! :X Alls well now and Im sure everything in your nano is salivating to get over to the big tank and stretch out

Ox :good:
Yup brave move but youll be glad you did it :) Love the paddling pool idea, I could just see hubby going for that in my front room trying to empty my 5' 100g..PMSL NOT!!!
i agree littleme, it was a choice between bite the bullet and get it done or spend the next XX years obsessing about it.

i get the fear with a new tank as it is (any noise in the night and think the tank has broken) without it being wonky.
Nice move. I never even thought of using a kiddy pool for that.

Good thinng that you had a little help. :beer:

I know it was a lot of work and probably would have been fine in the long run, but those are the kind of things that just eat at you every time you look at the tank. You just want it to be nothing short of perfect.
There's me thinkin there was going to be a pool party.
Yeah best to get things right from the word go, shudda seen the mess when I was building and converting my marine setup to include a sump. I too resorted to the golden nectar. LOL
Wow, awesome call on the kiddie pool. I need to remember that if I'm ever in a pinch

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