Need moving advice!!


New Member
May 9, 2004
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Hey everyone...

Here's my situation...I've had a 29-g setup with 12 fish for almost a year. I'm going to be moving in a month, but I'm not sure how best to proceed with the fish.

I'm sure I'll have to tear down the tank...but then I'll have to cycle it in the new place...won't I?
It'll be a different place with different water supply...

Any recommendations on how to do this without using my fish as tank bait?
If you keep the gravel, filter media, and tank decorations wet, you won't need to re-cycle. If the water supply is different, try to save as much of the old water as you can, as to introduce them to the new water more slowly.

So basically grab a bucket and fill it with tank water and all the decorations and gravel...and I should be ok?
i hear that your bacteria will only surviuve for just over half an hour so do a quick move make it the last to take down, first thing set up and keep everything, dirty water may help a little make sure everything is wetted with dirty water, or with non chlorinated water plus a bit of amonia i think, and do extra water changes for a few weeks
I'm usin a biowheel I guess I should be ok if I keep that wet.
Yeah...water changes will definitely be in order.

The move will take at least an hour.
Grrr...I've lost enough fish to my tiger barbs...I finally figured out who they're compatible with. I don't need to lose the rest because of this...
i don't think it'l all die in half hour this is just what i heard i think it said on a fluval manual so your biowheel may be different has to be I'll give it a try and hope for the best.

When I said lose them...I meant from the new environment, not from the move.

Thanks for the input!!

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