Need Major Help?.....


New Member
May 5, 2003
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Okay i have 7 mollies, 1 platy, 2 african dwarf frogs, 6 baby snails, 1 swordtail and 2 of my mollies are VERY pregnant.
today i got a tetra and the pet store lady said hed do fine with my other fish and stuff but hes beating them all up. I dont know anything about tetras, but they said he was a kind theyd never seen before, hes very agressive and im scared hes gonna kill my fishys.
please help.
Camie aka CandJ :-(
perhaps you should take it back and tell the person that sold it to you whats happening they should be understanding and take it back if its over such a short space of time. mean while have you got anything you could partition the tank with temporarily? it might be good to put a pain of glass or something in between the agressive and the non aggressive. i hope the rest have some info for you to help you out but thats all i can think of hope it helps and good luck.
thanks so much.
Ill see if theyll take him back, but hes such a beautiful fish!
i didnt wanna get rid of him, maybe ill buy another tank for him.
thanks camie aka candj
we had similar trouble with our 3 "Blueberry" tetras (which we later discovered were painted fish :grr: ). I believe they are really Albino Black skirt tetras and should be kept in a bigger shoal than 3 to stop the aggression towards other smaller fish. I wasn't aware of this at the time so I put them in with some bigger fish (including Princess my Salvini Cichlid :wub: ) they tried the same tricks in that tank and Princess tuned up all 3, now they are angels (princess still polices them...I have been told she is keping an eye on them until she is big enough to eat them :crazy: ...I'll move then out before she gets too big :D )
You should probably get at least 4 more tetras if you have the room, they will squabble amongst themselves and leave the others alone. If you don't have room he should go back to the lfs :(
cool no problem :)

im sorry to hear about that puffer pack i had the missfortune of getting a painted glass when i first took up the hoby that spurred me into reading up on where they come from and how they catch some of them and stuff. sometimes gets me into more discusion than i can handle. the whole painting fish thing creeps me out they found that they normally inject the fish :no:
well thanks guys for all the help!

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