need lil help


Fish Addict
Apr 5, 2004
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hey all
ma betta female is constipated i starved her for 24 hours and fed a pea and nothing happen ive starved her agin for 24 hours and gave a pea but still nothing is there anthing else i can do? she is still happy in her own tank she just looks fat as hell and not pooing just pooing string realy.
Doesn't it mean when they poo strings, instead of balls, that they have an internal parasite?

Maybe try something for that?

Good Luck

**edit** Do you feed Black Worms or Tubifex worms? I've heard both of those can cause this.
ahhhhh thanks very much ill try some of that now, no i fdont she gets pellets frzen bloodworms peas grindalworms and sometimes flakes but she isnt keen on them
no its not white string poo just like normal coloured poo but stringy
You've probably caught it in the early stages then. :nod:
i hope so ive treated her with myxazin says it does bacterial infections would that be the right one to use? and what do i do about feeding her can she have some bloodworms? or dont feed untill she slims up?
Well if she has internal parasites..she probably needs some medicated food that treats for those. Or a type of medication that states it treats for internal parasite infestation.

I think I woudl feed her some peas if she is constipated..and some frozen or live bloodworms. Daphnia seems tt "clear" them out pretty fast/well, if you can get ahold of some.

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