Need Info On Some Fish!


New Member
Mar 5, 2006
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I'm NEW to this forum and i would like to say hi to everybody here.PLUS question(ssss).
I just built myself a 35G tank for freshwater tropical fish.
I had a smaller tank in the past but knew nothing about keeping fish so i lost interest very fast.15 years later i'm "on them" again and this time i've done my homework.
Anyway i decided to get only tetras and maybe some guppies plus some algae eaters.
The problem is that the pet shop here(the best one with clean tanks and everything) seems that it doesn't know all the tetras on his shop and i had to get them by guessing that they might be tetras.
I bought two different kinds of 4 each plus two kinds of algae eaters 2 of each.
Here are some pictures of the "tetras" and i hope someone here will know what species they are IF they are tetras after all:
Hi welcome to the forum

The second fish is either a rosy tetra or a bleeding heart tetra, the first i agree is a barb not sure which. Tetras should be in groups of 6 +.

What algae eaters did you buy, hopefully not a common or sailfin plec or chinese algae eater :X

It's best to know what you are buying before you buy, you could end up with unsuitable fish. Did you cycle the tank before adding fish?

Emma :hi:
I do believe the fish in the first picture are checkered barbs. Do they have red or reddish orange in their fins? They will most likely nip the fins on your tetras, but you could take a wait and see approach, and then remove them if your tetras have chunks missing out of their fins! I don't know anything about rosy tetras, but that is not a bleeding heart tetra in the second picture. Bleeding heart tetras have a red spot in the middle of the body. I have diamond tetras and its not one of those, either. Diamond tetras don't have that color in their fins although the body shape is the same.
They are rossy tetras .I "checked" them.
As for algae eaters YES i added chinese ones and they are "dangerous" and moving too fast around the tank which is a bad thing for the tetras i guess.I also have tow orange color algae eaters Albino Gibbiceps-Chocolate Albino pleco which are not that much energetic.
What's wrong with those chinese algae eaters?
What's wrong with those chinese algae eaters?

Nothing wrong as such, they are just not community fish. As they grow, they get aggressive and territorial and often develop a liking for sucking off the slime coat of other fish. Which is bad news for the other fish. They also stop eating algae as they mature.

As for the plecs- they're less aggressive but do you know the size they grow to?
As for the plecs- they're less aggressive but do you know the size they grow to?

Can you give me some info on algae eaters that won't grow more than 5cm and are energetic as the chinese algae eaters?
Now they are around 4-5cm so until they grow more than 6-7cm i can keep them i suppose.Although they are very "sleepy" fish and i prefer the chinese ones since they are the only ones i saw at the pet shop looking for algae everywhere in the tank.

I had 2 cae and they can grow up to 10". They can be very aggressive towards other fish and will attack others if not enough algea for them to eat (will go for the slime coat on fish and even their eyes)

I would take these back and go for something more gentle. Maybe an oto (2") or a bristlenose (4")
the first pic is almost ceratinly a checkered barb
the secod looks like a very pale Roberti Tetra
Have you just added it when that pic was taken?
The tetra it's a rosy one for sure.
The barbs are the checkered for sure too :D .
Now the 2 CAE and the 4 barbs are going back tomorrow.
I have some pictures of my other 2 algae eaters and i need your info on them too:
Also here is a picture of my aquarium(NOT FINISHED YET).-(i need to remove the rocks and add something better)
(the orange fish)

They look like common plecs which will grow 18-24 inches long. A much better alternative would be the bristlenose plec as they only grow 5-6 inches long, they also come in the albino form.

Emma :D
Checker barbs are not known for nippiness as some barbs are & they are lovely fish which help eat algae.
I agree you need to return the plec & CAE but I would hold off replacing them until the tank is a bit more mature. A bristlenose is probably the best small algae eater there is.
Can you give me some info on algae eaters that won't grow more than 5cm and are energetic as the chinese algae eaters?

A bristlenose plec will grow to about 5 inches (12 cms), but should be fine in your tank. They are non-aggressive even in their old age. Otos (otocinclus) are smaller and eat algae, but need to be in groups of at least 3, and can be sensitive to water stats, so prefer a mature tank. (Also if you do go for otos, make sure you buy the ones with a nice plump belly).

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