Need Info On Rtbs


Jan 25, 2009
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ive been interested in removing my silver shark from my tank as it requires a bigger tank and read somewhere that the red tail black sharks dont grow too big so was looking into getting one of these.

although i am having difficulty in finding info on this site regarding them.

any info would bee much appreaciated.

Hi superman1 :)

A red tail black shark is a Cyprinid. I'll move your thread over to that section. Hope this helps. :D
Red tailed black sharks get to roughly 6", a tank of 30 gallon would be fine for life. They are community fish but you can only keep ONE per tank as their territorial, avoid fish that look similar to them aswell as they may mistake them for their own species :good:
I have had nothing but bad luck with these, very territorial so only 1 per tank. A tank of at least 30 gallons, proberbly more would be better is needed. I would also give plenty of hiding spaces. I have had 2 of these, both of which terrorised my smaller fish so i would be careful what you put with them.
I have had nothing but bad luck with these, very territorial so only 1 per tank. A tank of at least 30 gallons, proberbly more would be better is needed. I would also give plenty of hiding spaces. I have had 2 of these, both of which terrorised my smaller fish so i would be careful what you put with them.


yeh i have plenty of rocks n caves and plants to help with cover and quite alot of upper level swimming fishes n a few cories

think i may have to get one... they look so cool
I bought a rtbs for my community tank, he ransacked it killing 10 tiger barbs and harrassing others to near death. He now lives in a seperate tank with a mississippi map turtle and a pink kissing gourami. I would avoid a rtbs but I have been told that a ruby or red finned shark is less agressive.

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