need info on dwarf puffers

fantasy fish

Fish Fanatic
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
west central minnesota
I have been thinking about getting a dwarf puffer for my 25 gal but i know they are aggressive but not as agressive as some other puffers are. And am wondering if platies, sailfin mollies and acf would would be good tank mates, any other info i could get about dwarf puffers or anyother puffers that would get along with my other fish and would fit in my tank would be great. :D
If i am not mistaken, dwarf puffers should be kept in species only tanks, because they are notorious fin-nippers.

The fins of all the other fish would be torn apart by the puffer. They do much better in a tank with only puffers or some fish like plecos and otos.
Yeah, just get a few dwarf puffers instead of the platies and mollies. ESPECIALLY not sailfin mollies, the flowing fins would be gone so fast. Make sure that, if you put a few DPs in there, you've got plenty of hiding places and plants they can use to establish territories. As diVer said, go with plecos or otos. I'm in the process of setting one up, and I'm going to get a few otos.
do dwarf puffers like sand in the bottom of there tanks, right now i have small rocks. And would corydoras go good with dwarf puffers and otos? I have never heard of otos, hmmm i might look into getting some of those too. Would it be better to have live plants or fake in their tank?
Almost no fish is compatible with dwarf puffers. Most bottom dwellers, like Cory's, are too squirmy to escape attention. Oto's would be a good choice, just remember to get a school of them (4-6), as they are a shoaling fish.
In your early post you said you were getting an ACF (African clawed frog). This would be inadvisable, as it could easily eat all of the fish you mentioned (including the puffer, although that would result in the frogs death), and grow too large for your aquarium.

but not as aggressive as some other puffers are
Although they are not the most capable of doing damage, they are one of the most aggressive puffers you can buy.

Either plan to keep them alone, or to just keep them out of your aquarium plan. :)
i have two green spotted puffers in a 180 tank along with sailfin mollies(ready to pop), mollies, platties, tetra's.

no problems or fatalities what so ever.

they do try and have a go some times but mostly they are fine. :rolleyes:
dshand2002 said:
i have two green spotted puffers in a 180 tank along with sailfin mollies(ready to pop), mollies, platties, tetra's.
no problems or fatalities what so ever.
they do try and have a go some times but mostly they are fine.
I had no problems with two puffers (dragons) and 12 rummynose tetras for a long time, then one night, the puffers got hungry and reduced the tetra school to four....and a half

Puffers can turn at anytime.


And you do know that your puffers require brackish water, right?
:D I keep my two GSPs in a 20gal. They are quite happy floating around the tank and (yes you got it!) exploring again and again!!!

I have dozy ones. And they are SO sweet!!!!!!!!! :D :D

EDIT: Get some DPs, the dudes should flourish in a 20gal but perhaps only put ottos and a pleco in with them, I wouldn't go with anything else, just to be on the safe side. Oh yeah, how big approx is a 10gal tank?

EDIT2:Nice picture SirMinion!!!
I keep 3-DPs and a spiny eel in a 20 gal tang with live plants. I keep the tank brackish also. I also have a 55 brackish with sailfin molly's which has 2-different types of swords and bronze winditti in it for about a year. The mollys really bread well.

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