Need info on driftwood


Jun 29, 2005
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Las Vegas, NV - USA
Ok so i got a clown pleco yesterday and i noticed that it likes to eat driftwood (does it really eat it?) and i was wondering, does it really eat it or just need some to hide behind. I was thinking of, and actually all ready bought some fake driftwood, but if it is better for it to have real driftwood i guess i could go get some. I was just curious about it all. And if i get driftwood, do i boil it for 30 minutes, then drain it and then soak it in clean water all night? I also have cory cats and clown loaches in my tank, so i dont know if they need it or not. Please help with whatever suggestions you can!!!
Some plecs do nibble on wood. I'm not sure if Clowns do but it's always a good idea to get some organic wood in there if possible. I think all your fish would like the wood.

If you get the wood from an LFS, the least you'll want to do is soak it for a few days. You can boil it but IMO it's not necessary if the LFS is reptuable.
Yes, clown plecs do "need" wood in they're diet.
They dont actually eat algae at all.
If your going to buy some driftwood and you decide to buy "mopani" driftwood you may want to boil it for 30 min's or even longer and then let it soak for as long as you want.
Mopani will leach a tan color into your tank water for months after you've boiled it and let it soak a long time.
I like the tan color myself and only boil mine for 30 min's and let soak for a day or so.
The clowns do a great job keeping the mopani nice and clean, looking like it did the day you bought it.

Oh, cory's and clown loaches dont need the driftwood, but its a nice place for them to hide if they want too.
darnit ok, is there any way to not have yellow water? I dont want yellow water at all, so if i boil it for along time, like an hour, will that help? If my water starts to turn yellow, is there anytiong i can do to counter it? I iwll be going to get some driftwood later. I went to this store and they had the perfect peice of driftwood! BUT it floats, so is there any way to make it not float?
Don't boil too long otherwise the wood will start disintegrating - not something you really want !

You can boil it for 20 max I'd say but then the only thing that's really going to get rid of the discolouration is water changes. Normally I'd say soak it, but as you have a plec that needs it (as opposed to a nice piece of decoration) you're best off just putting it in the tank.

The water should run clear in a few weeks. You could also try adding some carbon to the filter.
I have a 60 gallon with the highest marineland penguin filter, so i have a good filter, it even holds 4 filter cartridges. So will that make my water not yellow? What about clarifyer? After a few weeks the water will be clear again? How often should i do water changes?
ANIM4L said:
I have a 60 gallon with the highest marineland penguin filter, so i have a good filter, it even holds 4 filter cartridges. So will that make my water not yellow? What about clarifyer? After a few weeks the water will be clear again? How often should i do water changes?

Dont add anything to your water. You can do a 20 - 30% waterchange (with the usual dechlorinator added to the water) twice a week - or every 3 - 4 days.
It depends on the size of the wood - and not all wood reacts the same - so just be patient and your water will run clear in a few weeks :)
The water being a different color isn't a bad thing aside from the fact that your water isn't crystal clear...It doesnt hurt the fish or make your water readings turn sour. As bloozoo said, the best thing is regular water'll go away.
i guess im a just impatient (lol bad thing with fish huh) i can try it with a little peice of wood i guess. What does a clown pleco do for me? anything?
what does any other fish "do for you"? i dont know how to answer your question...there's no such thing as like Janitor fish and Salesman fish or Food vendor fish as far as i know :fun:
They add life to the tank? :p I have a huge piece of wood in my Clown Loach tank (far too big to boil even in a large pot) and it turned the water brown but it's not bad looking IMO. If anyone asks why the water is brown, you can just tell them the wood is staining the water, harmlessly. :)
i meant what does the fish do for the tank, clean it from algea, pick up extra food on the ground, eat poop (i wish a fish ate poop!!! that would be awesome!!!... are there any fish that eat poop???!!!). I got two peices of driftwood for the tank. I guess i will be saoking for a while...........

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