Need Info on Asian Biotype Tanks!


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
Hello my friends! ;) I need as much info on Asian Biotype tanks as possible. I am going to be setting up this tank hopefully at the end of June, and so would like to get as much research and first hand information as possible.

I already have a list of fish that I like. Now keep in mind that I will not be adding all of these depends on availability around here, and I am still doing research to find out what the best fish for me are. So here's that list:

Clown Loach
Honey Gourami
Dwarf Gourami
Siamese Algae Eater or Flying Fox (haven't decided yet)
Gold Barb
White Clouds
Glass Catfish
Spiny Eel

If anyone has any useful info on any of these fish, I would be very greatful. I do know a great deal about Clown Loaches and Spiny Eels, but I will still take any extra info you want to give me. ;)

I would also like to know about plants, as I have decided to make this a live planted aquarium. If anyone has a good list of Asian type plants, that would be wonderful.

This tank will be a 55 gallon, and I will be doing both an undergravel filter and an external one, like I have done with my 25. The substrate will be sand, and I will be getting driftwood and some rocks for hiding places.

Anything anyone wants to add or give me suggestions on, I am all for it! Thanks in advance! ;)
IME, Dwarf gouramis should be avoided because the breeding stock is now so poor (CFC told me that :p ). In my tank they have caused nothing but trouble and disease. There are other nice gouramis out there - honey ones, like you say. Honey gouramis grow to about 2 inches, are shy and peaceful, and it is recommended to get 2 females and 2 males to see them at their best. HTH :D
Just one thought - you said that you're planning on an undergravel filter with a sand substrate. Now I've never done this, but I've read here and elsewhere that it's not a great idea because the suction from beneath the sand causes it to get tightly packed and reduces the flow, meaning that you have to turn the sand over quite frequently to keep it going.

Also, I've found that an under gravel filter with plants is a nuisance, because it's difficult to vacuum the gravel (or sand) without disturbing the plants.

Finally (yes, I know I said "Just one thought", but hey) if you're going to have an external filter I would pay a bit more money, get a slightly bigger/better quality filter and not bother with the under gravel filter. I know opinion is divided, but in my experience a good external filter far outweighs the benefits of any under gravel filter. It is also so much easier to clean and maintain than an under gravel filter.

Thanks guys for responding so quick. ;)

James - Thanks for the info on the Dwarfs...I don't know too much about Gouramis as this will be my first tank ever with them. I do like the Honey ones quite a bit though, so I think I will just go with those. Would they be ok with Blue Gouramis? My lfs has a breeding pair of Blues and they are quite beautiful...only problem is, they are pretty large already...

ddm - Good thought...I hadn't quite thought about what sand might do the undergravel filter. :/ I will be getting a decent external filter though. Anyone have any suggestions for good ones? I currently have a Secondnature Whisper in my 25, but I'd rather go with something a bit more heavy duty. :p
I'm actually doing this tame setup in my 54 corner bow. however I'm running a sand bottom with a wet/dry and a cannister. AFAIK you can't do sand and undergravel unless you're doing UGJ setup

I have honey gouramis in my 5G he'x they're cool little buggers. The clowns loaches are AWESOME and as I recently found out Yo-Yo loaches are very cool as well.

I almost bought gold barbs but decided to get cherry barbs instead which are more peacful

I'm sure you'll be happy with the asain setup loaches on the bottom barbs in the middle and gouramis at the top will make a very nice active tank.
Yeah I remember you said you were doing a setup like this Sky. Very cool. :thumbs:

I think I will go with the Honey Gourami's. And I can't wait for a whole school of Clown Loaches...being my favorite fish, I will have to get at least 6 or 7. ;)

I don't much care for Cherry fact I don't really care for barbs in general. :X But I really like the look of the Gold Barb, and I've heard they are pretty placid for barbs. I guess I'll be going for a orangy/gold look in this tank. :D

I'm really going to enjoy watching the fish on the different levels of the tank...just as long as they don't pull what every fish in my 25 gallon did...EVERY fish in my 25 (including the danios) hang out at the bottom levels...I have no clue why, but it's pretty crowded down there. :lol:

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