I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Hello my friends!
I need as much info on Asian Biotype tanks as possible. I am going to be setting up this tank hopefully at the end of June, and so would like to get as much research and first hand information as possible.
I already have a list of fish that I like. Now keep in mind that I will not be adding all of these depends on availability around here, and I am still doing research to find out what the best fish for me are. So here's that list:
Clown Loach
Honey Gourami
Dwarf Gourami
Siamese Algae Eater or Flying Fox (haven't decided yet)
Gold Barb
White Clouds
Glass Catfish
Spiny Eel
If anyone has any useful info on any of these fish, I would be very greatful. I do know a great deal about Clown Loaches and Spiny Eels, but I will still take any extra info you want to give me.
I would also like to know about plants, as I have decided to make this a live planted aquarium. If anyone has a good list of Asian type plants, that would be wonderful.
This tank will be a 55 gallon, and I will be doing both an undergravel filter and an external one, like I have done with my 25. The substrate will be sand, and I will be getting driftwood and some rocks for hiding places.
Anything anyone wants to add or give me suggestions on, I am all for it! Thanks in advance!
I already have a list of fish that I like. Now keep in mind that I will not be adding all of these depends on availability around here, and I am still doing research to find out what the best fish for me are. So here's that list:
Clown Loach
Honey Gourami
Dwarf Gourami
Siamese Algae Eater or Flying Fox (haven't decided yet)
Gold Barb
White Clouds
Glass Catfish
Spiny Eel
If anyone has any useful info on any of these fish, I would be very greatful. I do know a great deal about Clown Loaches and Spiny Eels, but I will still take any extra info you want to give me.
I would also like to know about plants, as I have decided to make this a live planted aquarium. If anyone has a good list of Asian type plants, that would be wonderful.
This tank will be a 55 gallon, and I will be doing both an undergravel filter and an external one, like I have done with my 25. The substrate will be sand, and I will be getting driftwood and some rocks for hiding places.
Anything anyone wants to add or give me suggestions on, I am all for it! Thanks in advance!