Need Idia's For Tankmates. 120gallon


New Member
Jun 1, 2008
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Hey folks,
While im working on cycling my tank ive been trying to put together a list of fish that i want. Ive done alot of reading on the different fish and im still a little confused.

After looking i think i want to build my tank around these fish.

Hi Fin Swordtail, Blood Red 4" (Top) (2)8

Boesemani Rainbow 3" (didnt not see) (10)30

Angelicus Botia Loach 4" (Bottom) (3)12

and maybe the Ruby Red Pencilfish 2" (not going to add them in to figures yet)

If im not underestimating there size (what i read) that leaves me at 50" of fish. The tank is 120 Gallon with 2 110gallon Aquaclear 3 stage Filters. Now do i need to guess at the displacement of all the objects in the tank ? So like 100 " worth of room?

Is there anything Ive missed that would makes these 3 fish not a good community? And what would other good fish be? I read that the guppies, tetras and gouramis all like to nibble at long finned fish. Would they attack the rainbows or sworttails?

These are other fish that i thought looked great but again not sure if they attack the long finned fish.

Red Cobra Delta Guppy 2 1/2"
Neon Blue Tux Guppy 2 1/2"
Blue Cobra Guppy 2 1/2"
Lyretail Guppy 2"
Endler's Livebearer 1"
Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami 2"
Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami 2"
Flame Dwarf Gourami 2"
Dwarf Gourami 2"
Cardinal Tetra 2"
Bleeding Heart Tetra 2"
Neon Tetra Jumbo 2"

Would like to see these in my tank to but there about 20$ each from the online store. Ruby Red Pencilfish 2" - Maybe in time.

Thanks again!

Oh ya it says all of them fish are peaceful yet they attack longfinned fish?
Hey folks,
While im working on cycling my tank ive been trying to put together a list of fish that i want. Ive done alot of reading on the different fish and im still a little confused.

After looking i think i want to build my tank around these fish.

Hi Fin Swordtail, Blood Red 4" (Top) (2)8

Boesemani Rainbow 3" (didnt not see) (10)30

Angelicus Botia Loach 4" (Bottom) (3)12

and maybe the Ruby Red Pencilfish 2" (not going to add them in to figures yet)

If im not underestimating there size (what i read) that leaves me at 50" of fish. The tank is 120 Gallon with 2 110gallon Aquaclear 3 stage Filters. Now do i need to guess at the displacement of all the objects in the tank ? So like 100 " worth of room?

Is there anything Ive missed that would makes these 3 fish not a good community? And what would other good fish be? I read that the guppies, tetras and gouramis all like to nibble at long finned fish. Would they attack the rainbows or sworttails?

These are other fish that i thought looked great but again not sure if they attack the long finned fish.

Red Cobra Delta Guppy 2 1/2"
Neon Blue Tux Guppy 2 1/2"
Blue Cobra Guppy 2 1/2"
Lyretail Guppy 2"
Endler's Livebearer 1"
Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami 2"
Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami 2"
Flame Dwarf Gourami 2"
Dwarf Gourami 2"
Cardinal Tetra 2"
Bleeding Heart Tetra 2"
Neon Tetra Jumbo 2"

Would like to see these in my tank to but there about 20$ each from the online store. Ruby Red Pencilfish 2" - Maybe in time.

Thanks again!

Oh ya it says all of them fish are peaceful yet they attack longfinned fish?
Hey folks,
While im working on cycling my tank ive been trying to put together a list of fish that i want. Ive done alot of reading on the different fish and im still a little confused.

After looking i think i want to build my tank around these fish.

Hi Fin Swordtail, Blood Red 4" (Top) (2)8

Boesemani Rainbow 3" (didnt not see) (10)30

Angelicus Botia Loach 4" (Bottom) (3)12

and maybe the Ruby Red Pencilfish 2" (not going to add them in to figures yet)

If im not underestimating there size (what i read) that leaves me at 50" of fish. The tank is 120 Gallon with 2 110gallon Aquaclear 3 stage Filters. Now do i need to guess at the displacement of all the objects in the tank ? So like 100 " worth of room?

Is there anything Ive missed that would makes these 3 fish not a good community? And what would other good fish be? I read that the guppies, tetras and gouramis all like to nibble at long finned fish. Would they attack the rainbows or sworttails?

These are other fish that i thought looked great but again not sure if they attack the long finned fish.

Red Cobra Delta Guppy 2 1/2"
Neon Blue Tux Guppy 2 1/2"
Blue Cobra Guppy 2 1/2"
Lyretail Guppy 2"
Endler's Livebearer 1"
Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami 2"
Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami 2"
Flame Dwarf Gourami 2"
Dwarf Gourami 2"
Cardinal Tetra 2"
Bleeding Heart Tetra 2"
Neon Tetra Jumbo 2"

Would like to see these in my tank to but there about 20$ each from the online store. Ruby Red Pencilfish 2" - Maybe in time.

Thanks again!

Oh ya it says all of them fish are peaceful yet they attack longfinned fish?
how about a group of barbs or rasboras? harlequins look very nice as a shoal and are peaceful. ruby barbs are also good because they will shoal with other striped barbs no harassing other fish (plants might). how about some type of cory? they are good scavengers fun to watch and shoal with other corys as well they to be kept as a group. hope i av helped!
I would not mix guppies and rainbowfish. Rainbowfish are just too quick to snatch up food. They won't likely hurt each other (and guppies definitely won't hurt the much faster rainbowfish), but feeding can be difficult.

I'd add a couple more loaches. If you can get at least 5, they'll be much more adventurous.

You may want to look at an algae eater of some sort (just no chinese algae eaters). Ottos, bristlenose or pitbull plecos, siamese algae eaters, and american flagfish are all interesting and relatively peaceful.
I would decide on whether I wanted livebarers or Tetras/Gourmai's

With a tank that size I would skip the guppies, neons, etc. as you have room for larger fish if you decide later you want one. Small fish would get eaten.

A large shoal of Tetras or Rainbows would look nice and then your possibilities are endless.
I would decide on whether I wanted livebarers or Tetras/Gourmai's

With a tank that size I would skip the guppies, neons, etc. as you have room for larger fish if you decide later you want one. Small fish would get eaten.

A large shoal of Tetras or Rainbows would look nice and then your possibilities are endless.

Id also ditch the guppies, in a tank that size a huuge shoal of rainbow fish (Boesmani Rainbowfish) Would look so amazing, then maybe a shoal of corries for the bottom and maybe a bristlenose pleco for algae clean up etc :D
How about this for a tank set up KaNGiX

2 Bristlenose Pleco
3 Dwraf Gouramis (1 Male 2 Female)
5 Hi-fin Swordtails (2 Male 3 Female)
5 Boesemani Rainbow
5 Marble Loaches
5 Bleeding Heart Tetra
10 Cardinal Tetras

Hope This help to give you an idea of Stocking
Hey folks,
While im working on cycling my tank ive been trying to put together a list of fish that i want. Ive done alot of reading on the different fish and im still a little confused.

After looking i think i want to build my tank around these fish.

Hi Fin Swordtail, Blood Red 4" (Top) (2)8

Boesemani Rainbow 3" (didnt not see) (10)30

Angelicus Botia Loach 4" (Bottom) (3)12

and maybe the Ruby Red Pencilfish 2" (not going to add them in to figures yet)

If im not underestimating there size (what i read) that leaves me at 50" of fish. The tank is 120 Gallon with 2 110gallon Aquaclear 3 stage Filters. Now do i need to guess at the displacement of all the objects in the tank ? So like 100 " worth of room?

Is there anything Ive missed that would makes these 3 fish not a good community? And what would other good fish be? I read that the guppies, tetras and gouramis all like to nibble at long finned fish. Would they attack the rainbows or sworttails?

These are other fish that i thought looked great but again not sure if they attack the long finned fish.

Red Cobra Delta Guppy 2 1/2"
Neon Blue Tux Guppy 2 1/2"
Blue Cobra Guppy 2 1/2"
Lyretail Guppy 2"
Endler's Livebearer 1"
Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami 2"
Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami 2"
Flame Dwarf Gourami 2"
Dwarf Gourami 2"
Cardinal Tetra 2"
Bleeding Heart Tetra 2"
Neon Tetra Jumbo 2"

Would like to see these in my tank to but there about 20$ each from the online store. Ruby Red Pencilfish 2" - Maybe in time.

Thanks again!

Oh ya it says all of them fish are peaceful yet they attack longfinned fish?
how about a group of barbs or rasboras? harlequins look very nice as a shoal and are peaceful. ruby barbs are also good because they will shoal with other striped barbs no harassing other fish (plants might). how about some type of cory? they are good scavengers fun to watch and shoal with other corys as well they to be kept as a group. hope i av helped!
that was me iloveallanimals
Ok well ive looked over my fish some more and made a few changes. This is where im at now. Added a few off your comments and a few of my own.

I decided to remove the Swordtails as im not sure how they would do. The KH of every other fish is quite a bit lower then there 12-30 range. And if i understood it correctly KH is hardness? Any thoughts?

Anyways heres the list now, sure to be changed again and again as ill be adding them slowly.

-Angelicus Botia Loach (x5) 4" Total - 20"
-Sterba's Cory (x1) 3" Total - 3"
-Gardneri Panchax Killifish (x2 M/F) 2 1/2" Total - 5"
-Twin Tail Betta (x2 - M/F) 3" Total 6"
-Boesemani Rainbow (x10) "3" Total 30"
-Siamese Algae Eater (x1) 3 1/2" Total 3 1/2"
-Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami (x4) 2" Total 8"
-Flame Dwarf Gourami (x4) 2" Total 8"
-Ram, German Blue (x3) 3" Total 9" (last fish) (kinda skeptical bout these guys, dont wanna kill em :( )
What are the dimensions of the tank?
Bettas aren't really suitable for a community tank, they will most likely fight amongst themselves and i wouldn't be suprised if the Botias rip through their fins,
Also Corys should never be kept singularly, The are a bottom feeding shoaling fish and if kept in a shoal you will see them at their very best.
Neon blue and Flame Dwarf gouramis are simply both Male Dwarf Gouramis just in two colour forms, I would personally swap these for a trio of Pearl Gouramis
I would have also kept the Swords in favour of the Panchax

I would go for a stocking similar to this:

-Angelicus Botia Loach x 5
-Sterba's Cory x6
-Gardneri Panchax Killifish x 2 pairs
-Boesemani Rainbow x 8
-Siamese Algae Eater x3
-Ram, German Blue x4

AND then either
-Neon Blue / Flame Dwarf Gourami x (1BMale 1 F Male 4 females)

-Pearl Gouramis x3 1M 2F
-Flame Gourami x3 1 M 2 F
The Dimensions are

120 gallon - 48 1/2 x 24 1/4 x 25 1/2. There are two 110 Aqua clear filters. The substrate is a shell / gravel mix.

I would really like to keep the swordtails in place of the killifish, or both. I think that blood red is stunning. Again im just not sure how they would do as there specs (KH) fall far from the others. I threw the killifish in to replace them.

-Boesemani Rainbow (x10) "3" Total 30"
-Ram, German Blue (x4) 3" Total 12"
-Angelicus Botia Loach (x5) 4" Total - 20"
-Pearl Gourami (x3) 4" M/FF Total 12"
-Siamese Algae Eater (x2) 3 1/2" Total 7"
-Gardneri Panchax Killifish (x2 M/F) 2 1/2" Total - 5"

Im not sure about all the fish at the bottom if I add the Cory cats, were talking about 40+ " of fish at the bottom. So ive weeded them out.

I also read there that the Rams are difficult to take care of. And the Discuss are Moderate. Yet ive read more people talking about the discuss compared to the Rams. Whats your take on this? Id really like to throw the Discuss into the mix.

But discuss at 60.00 compared to rams at 10.00
Ram, German Blue (x3) 3" Total 9"
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Care Level: Difficult
Temperament: Peaceful
Water Conditions: 72-79° F, pH 5.0-7.0, KH 5-12
Max. Size: 3"
Color Form: Blue, Orange, Red, Yellow
Diet: Omnivore
Origin: Farm Raised, Thailand
Family: Cichlidae

Gardneri Panchax Killifish (x2 M/F) 2 1/2" Total - 5"
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Water Conditions: 73-79° F, pH 6.0-7.5, KH 5-8
Max. Size: 2½"
Color Form: Blue, Red, Tan, Yellow
Diet: Carnivore
Origin: Tank-Raised
Family: Aplocheilidae

Siamese Algae Eater (x1) 3 1/2" Total 3 1/2"
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Peaceful
Lighting: Moderate
Water Conditions: 75-79° F, pH 6.5-7.0, KH 5-10
Max. Size: 3½"
Color Form: Black, White
Diet: Omnivore
Origin: India, Indonesia, Thailand
Family: Cyprinidae
Reproduction: Egg Layer
Swim Level: All

Angelicus Botia Loach (x4) 4" Total - 16"
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Peaceful
Water Conditions: 72-86° F, pH 6.0-7.5, KH 8-12
Color Form: Tan
Diet: Omnivore
Origin: India
Family: Cobitidae

Pearl Gourami
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Water Conditions: 75-86° F, pH 6.5-8.0, KH 5-18
Max. Size: 4"
Color Form: Clear, White
Diet: Omnivore
Origin: Borneo, Malaysia, Sumatra
Family: Belontiidae

And the fish i want.. Looks at specs? what do you think, how will it do with the others?

Hi Fin Swordtail, Blood Red (x2) 4" Total - 8"
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Water Conditions: 64-82° F, pH 7.0-8.3, KH 12-30
Max. Size: 4"
Color Form: Red
Diet: Omnivore
Origin: China
Family: Poeciliidae
I've tried the Betta thing. They really do prefer to be in their own tank. They also don't like much current in the water, and aren't strong swimmers. I have (2) 3 galllon tanks each with just one. So, if you really want a Betta or 2, that would be the way to go. Keep them on their own.

As far as the Rams. They really are adorable with cute personalities. They do better in a mature tank so maybe wait to add them last. They are sensitive to ph, I have read. The Bolivian Ram is supposed to be hardier and more adaptable. I have a Gold Ram in a tank that is 3 months old, with 7.8 ph no problem.

You can see my Gold Ram and Corys in this video...

Sorry about the radio in the background. I couldn't figure out how to take the sound off, lol
The Dimensions are

120 gallon - 48 1/2 x 24 1/4 x 25 1/2. There are two 110 Aqua clear filters. The substrate is a shell / gravel mix.

I would really like to keep the swordtails in place of the killifish, or both. I think that blood red is stunning. Again im just not sure how they would do as there specs (KH) fall far from the others. I threw the killifish in to replace them.

-Boesemani Rainbow (x10) "3" Total 30"
-Ram, German Blue (x4) 3" Total 12"
-Angelicus Botia Loach (x5) 4" Total - 20"
-Pearl Gourami (x3) 4" M/FF Total 12"
-Siamese Algae Eater (x2) 3 1/2" Total 7"
-Gardneri Panchax Killifish (x2 M/F) 2 1/2" Total - 5"

Im not sure about all the fish at the bottom if I add the Cory cats, were talking about 40+ " of fish at the bottom. So ive weeded them out.

I also read there that the Rams are difficult to take care of. And the Discuss are Moderate. Yet ive read more people talking about the discuss compared to the Rams. Whats your take on this? Id really like to throw the Discuss into the mix.

But discuss at 60.00 compared to rams at 10.00

OK, where to start....

I see no issue with the above proposed stocking :good:

Rams can be difficult and can be easy. It depends on your water, their genetics and most importantly, where they have been bred. Local bred fish will do better in your water than imports, as chances are that they were raised in similar conditions and are used to it :good:

Discus, like rams, can go either way IME. If you want discus I'd advise building the tank arround them, as they require more specific care than any of the other fish. They also want higher temperatures than most tropical fish, arround 30c, or lower 80's farenhight. Not shure how the SAE will do with discus. Similar fish have been know to latch onto them :crazy: Not sure how the killies would deal with the heat either :unsure:

Both rams and discus need mature tanks realy. With discus, I'd definately wait untill 6 months after cycling the tank before adding them. They do best under experienced care and need a group of 5+ requiring 50 gallons to that group alone :good: The best way to keep them is to copy an existing system, from filters, dimention, stcking and maintanance, only tweaking it if it isn't working.

Can you give us your water stats for pH, GH, KH nitrate out of the tap? I will then be able to say whether discus are an option or not with your tap water. As with rams though, water isn't always the deciding factor. Local bred stock will take the harder water conditions :nod:

All the best
And the fish i want.. Looks at specs? what do you think, how will it do with the others?

Hi Fin Swordtail, Blood Red (x2) 4" Total - 8"
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Water Conditions: 64-82° F, pH 7.0-8.3, KH 12-30
Max. Size: 4"
Color Form: Red
Diet: Omnivore
Origin: China
Family: Poeciliidae

Can i ask were you have taken this info from? swordtails originate from Central America not china
Swords will be tankbred and so things like hardness become pretty irrelevant IMO, and as long as you don't have extremes they should be fine.

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