New Member
It's not my first time with fish and it's not a new tank or anything, but I am restocking my tank. For the past year I have had only a cory fish, a striped raphael, and an upside down catfish in my ten gallon tank. So latley I got a female betta from wal-mart and really liked how she interacts with things outside the tank. THen about 3 days ago I got 2 more female bettas and 2 female? mollies, really fat almost pg looking ones. I am wondering what else I couls get to add more color and maybe variety to my tank. I have a smaller 5 gallon tank I was gonna put my striped raphael and a male betta in so my striped raphael won't eat my mollies fry. Should I get more female bettas and more mollies in my tank or would guppies get along with them? I am getting another 10 gallon tank for christmas what type of fish would do good together for that tank? THanks!