Need ideas for fish combinations


New Member
Nov 28, 2003
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Southern Michigan
It's not my first time with fish and it's not a new tank or anything, but I am restocking my tank. For the past year I have had only a cory fish, a striped raphael, and an upside down catfish in my ten gallon tank. So latley I got a female betta from wal-mart and really liked how she interacts with things outside the tank. THen about 3 days ago I got 2 more female bettas and 2 female? mollies, really fat almost pg looking ones. I am wondering what else I couls get to add more color and maybe variety to my tank. I have a smaller 5 gallon tank I was gonna put my striped raphael and a male betta in so my striped raphael won't eat my mollies fry. Should I get more female bettas and more mollies in my tank or would guppies get along with them? I am getting another 10 gallon tank for christmas what type of fish would do good together for that tank? THanks!
i don't recommend getting more female bettas because they might fight. make sure there are a lot of plants and hiding spots in you tank for the bettas. i don't know if you should be adding any more fish to that tank cause it looks pretty full. the only thing, you might want to add 1 or 2 more cories since these fish don't like to be alone.

for your other 10 gallon, you have a lot of choices. you can get livebearers, like platies, guppies, swords. you can also get a nice school of tetras like neons, they'll look beautiful or maybe a small gourami, just see what you like best
I don't know how big the Upside-Down Catfish gets, but you're getting close to your limit in the 10 gallon. If you get anything else though, I'd recommend a few Cory Cats. The like to be in groups :nod: My personal favorites are Panda Corys :)

aka Lizard
Well I was reading that the more female bettas you have the less likely there will be for fights. THey will establish a pecking order and if theres ten of them the pecking is spread out more rather than having only 3. There is a gouramis I liked I think it was a kissing gouramis, not for sure. I was told it had been injected or something with dye? and that's why it was a light silver color with a pink stripe on top. THere was no denying it was a gouamis though.
The upside down catfish don't get very big I think. Mine is only an inch and a half long and hasn't grown much since I've had him (almost 3 year I think). I do want to get another cory cat, I was told mine was a cosmis (sp?) but I can't find any info on the kind of fish.
kissing gouramis get very big so you shouldn't get them for your 10 gallon, especially if it was injected with dye which is just cruel. blind cave are a type of tetras and they get pretty big, 3.5 inches or so but they are good community fish
a great 10 gallon combo:
2-3 scavengers- cory cats, julii, adophi, or pandas
1 algae eater- bristly nose plec or like 3 otto cats
5-7 colorful community fish like platies, gupps, and swords (remember, 1 male to 2 female ratio for all livebearers) i wouldnt suggest mollie showever, as they like slightly salted water, witch you can't do with cories. tetras are good, neons suck, although they're pretty, go with buenos aeres tetras, mabye 2-3 dwarf gouramis, flames are my favorite, maybe a school of tiger barbs. try rams, they're hard to keep though.
How big do kissing gouramis get? this one was around 2 inches long. What type of gouramis are silver with a pink stripe on top?
do cat fish eat fish that are smaller, like fry? and what about electric yellow cichlid? are they too agrressive forwhat I want to keep?
ok, sorry about the multiple posts, should I just get a 50 gallon tank? REsponibility for cleaning and that sort aren't problems. How many fish would be the limit? and what are some good tips for owning that big of a tank?
do those giant algae eaters eat small fish and do those giant gatfish eat smaller fish too? Those ones that are like a foot long?
I heard a couple people mention getting dyed fish. In my personal opinion this is not a practise I would support. I heard a good analogy on here about it. It would be like me giving you a tattoo you don't want with two of my friends holding you down. Not a very nice thing to do..

Just my opinion though..

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